If you are a girl or woman, you most likely have encountered the phrase "bikini body" at some point in your life. Maybe it was on the cover of a magazine, something you heard in a movie or something someone said to you. Without someone having to explain it, upon hearing that phrase most women, and even men can picture the type of body the person is talking about. The picture is most likely some of Victoria's Secret model or some actress, but the basics of it are someone who is tall and super thin. It is one of those people who can "pull off anything." I know that at least for me, comparisons of myself towards these people come from a place from a place of jealousy and self-consciousness. Logically, I know that I will never be able to achieve how they look, mostly because I do not want to, but a part of me is burned by the idea of a "bikini body."
But it is 2019, and the concept of a bikini body should not exist. There shouldn't be this idea of who can wear a bikini versus who has to wear a one-piece swimsuit. At the end of the day, people will wear whatever they want to wear, and shouldn't be pushed towards something else just because society can't accept all different types of bodies. Realistically, not all women are going to look like models or actresses. There is a diverse mix of heights, weights, muscle tone, and so much more. So why should only a small amount of women be pushed to wear a bikini?
At the end of the day, a bikini is nice to wear because you can tan best. At least personally, nothing is worse for me than having a really tan face, arms, and legs but a really white stomach. That's it for me. At the end of the day, I realize that a bikini isn't extremely practical, but I shouldn't be judged for wearing one just because I am not almost perfect. As long as everything that is legally needed to be covered up is covered up, society shouldn't have anything to say about what I decide to wear. A bikini is just some fabric and some strings; you don't need a specific license to wear it, so why do I need a specific body to wear it?