Winthrop's stadium is like no other. The atmosphere is something of family, support, and excitement. Entering into college, I was very skeptical about how close the sports teams and students were.
At my high school, everyone and anyone were involved with our football games. We knew when the time came for Homecoming, and it was going to be something special. Each year there was a special feeling in all of us.
Experiencing my first Homecoming at Winthrop made me realize what an amazing school it actually is. I did not attend the Tailgate, but it was great seeing everyone else. I made friends with the Game Day Shuttle bus driver Ed.
Once we got our seats and the game was about to start, a wave of mixed emotions filled me. I looked around and picked out which basketball player was the cutest, and looked around with my friends. During the game, we screamed the loudest we could and went along with the band.The members are really funny commentators who made my night at the Friday night game. Our mascot Big Stuff got a makeover and is now bae.
Overall, experiencing both games has made the transition from being a big football fan to going to a university without a football team, a lot easier for me. Don't take advantage of your school's sports teams and make the best memories you can.