The Best Zelda | The Odyssey Online
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The Best Zelda

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The Best Zelda

I have played a lot of The Legend of Zelda. A LOT. I thought I should give my opinion on which is the best Legend of Zelda game of all time. Please keep in mind that this is my opinion based on three key factors: Story, Dungeons, and things to find. This least will also be in least favorite to most favorite. However, I would still play most of these time and time again.

17. The Adventure of Link. (Zelda 2)

Zelda 2 for the NES was the sequel to the original Legend of Zelda and featured different playstyle than its predecessor. Instead of being the top down rogue-like adventure that the original was, Zelda 2 was a side-scrolling platforming RPG-like game that featured magic spells to help in combat, rather than items. The reason that it is at the bottom is simply for the fact that it is such a drastic difference from the previous game (and all games thereafter) that it feels so weird playing it. Not to mention that it is much harder than it needs to be, and there are plenty of glitches abound.

16. Spirit Tracks

Spirit Tracks was one of only two Zelda games made for the Nintendo DS handheld system. Spirit Tracks had unique mechanics to help with its story, but the lack of over-world exploration due to its travel system left for little to no collection aspects. I would still play it, but very unlikely to repeat play.

15. Four Swords Adventures

Four Swords Adventures was the sequel to the Four Swords game for the GBA. However, Adventures was made for the Nintendo Gamecube. It featured a multiplayer mechanic similar to its predecessor, but it needed four separate Gameboy Advances with link cables to play multiplayer. Another downer thing about the game is its level system. Instead of being an open-world exploration game, each area was divided into levels that need to be cleared before you can continue.

14. Four Swords

Much like Four Swords Adventures, Four Swords is not as high on this list because of the level system. However, this game is higher than its descendant for the simple fact of a separate single player game in the form of a remake of A Link to the Past. The multiplayer was a little better pulled off due to the fact that you only needed the Gameboy Advance and a game with a cable to play with a friend or friends who also have the game and system.

13. Oracle of Seasons & Ages

Oracle of Seasons and its sister game Oracle of Ages, were two games released for the original Game Boy at the same time. The games featured a unique connectivity that was needed to fully complete the game(s). Featuring similar stories, the games featured vastly different dungeons and moderately different items. The game(s) lose points simply because of the necessary connectivity to fully complete them. Other than that, they are very great games on a very, VERY durable system.

12. The Legend of Zelda

The Legend of Zelda for the Nintendo Entertainment System, (NES) was the first game ever released of this wonderful series. However, being the Alpha of the Legend can only get it so far. With there being almost no story to the game, it makes for an experience that is sometimes very frustrating if you are new to the game. Seriously, play the game without a guide and you will have a very bad time. But, I don't hate it in the least.

11. Tri Force Heroes

WARNING: TO THE DAY OF WRITING THIS, I HAVE NEVER PLAYED THIS GAME. ONLY WHAT I HAVE SEEN WILL BE TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT. Tri Force Heroes allows for the customization of your Link along with a multiplayer aspect along with unique bosses to beat this way. That is All.

10. Ocarina of Time

Ocarina of Time was the very first Zelda game I played and the very first 3D Zelda game. Released for the Nintendo 64, it revolutionized the series in a big way. It's dungeons were very fun (except for the Water Temple), its collectibles were exciting to get, and its story was very well told. The reason it is number 10 is the fact that its mechanics do get stale after the fifth or sixth time playing it. And its story is a little lackluster compared to the higher ups.

9. Majora's Mask

Majora's Mask was a sequel to the events of Ocarina of Time. Also released for the N64, it featured a very challenging time system that almost felt like it was rushing you to hurry up. A good deal darker in the story than the previous game, the dungeons (however few) left great impressions for their mechanics and items and even ways to enter them. The mask collectibles even allowed for a plethora of hours to devote into the game. Truly, a great game. But the next ones are even greater.

8. Link's Awakening

Link's Awakening was the first Legend of Zelda game made for the Game Boy. Featuring a slight love interest into the game's story which left deep impressions (scars?) upon the ending of the game. Implementing a picture taking system that let you truly keep memories of the game if you had the Game Boy printer peripheral, the addition of one of the series truly greatest songs and wonderful little Easter eggs to find all over the game.

7. The Minish Cap

The Minish Cap was one of the games released for the Gameboy Advance. Using a bright and colorful art style that really help set the Fantasy aspect of the game. A unique collectible system allowed for many hidden areas to have to be unlocked throughout the course of the game and many replays to try and find everything. Also, having a wax collection to complete led to many hours of grinding for the necessary items to complete it.

6. A Link Between Worlds

A Link Between Worlds was one of the games released for the 3DS and was a continuation of the events of A Link to the Past. It implemented a unique shop system which allowed for the early purchase of items to get into the dungeons and clear them. The art style was beautifully bright and dark in the right places with a story that led to some emotions being thrown around about the main characters. Specialized 3D mechanics left for great additions to the game-play.

5. Phantom Hourglass

Phantom Hourglass was a direct sequel to The Wind Waker and was released for the Nintendo DS. Pretty much a way to show many of the features of the system, it was still a brilliant way to pull off the mechanics and a way to link (bad pun, BAD PUN) up two great games. Returning to the top down roots of the original games and still having aspects of the newer games, while implementing ideas of its own, Phantom Hourglass makes for a fun experience.

4. Skyward Sword

Skyward Sword was the prequel game released for the Wii and Wii U systems. This was the game that finally allowed you to step into the boots of Link when it came to sword fighting. Using the motion controls of the system, it plunged into a very involved combat system that may or may not have caused some household items to break during game-play. The items also used the motion controls in ways that housed great immersion into the game. Adding in a story that really tugged at the heart strings and explored much untouched avenues in the Zelda universe.

3. The Wind Waker

The Wind Waker was the first game released for the Nintendo Gamecube. Featuring a very cartoonish art style that was very endearing and bright, the game had some dark aspects about its story. The swordplay was interactive enough that it was sill challenging, but still easy enough. The island exploration and treasure hunting made for many, MANY hours of enjoyable gameplay. The game even featured and ending to the story which was very unlike its style. 10/10 would play again.

2. A Link to the Past

This was a very close call. A Link to the Past was the game the revolutionized the series. Featuring fun dungeons, great music, incredible art, plenty of collectibles, a two-world system, great story, and very tight and fun game-play. A Link to the Past is one game I would play over and over again ad infinitum if I could. This game should be on everyone's Super Nintendo collection.

1. Twilight Princess

This very narrowly beat out A Link to the Past, and I mean VERY narrowly beat it out. Featuring an incredibly dark story, epic music, brilliant art, amazing dungeons, item combinations and unlockable sword skills that reference past game songs with their methods of unlocking them. The one thing that places this game above A Link to the Past is its final boss fight. The game ending in a one on one duel with the king of evil, Gannondorf, this Gamecube/Wii classic will forever hold a spot in my video game library.

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