We can all agree that for some of us 2016 was not the greatest year. Granted, there were some good times. For people my age, we graduated high school and went to the college of your dreams, you were able to vote (though the election was not a good turn out for some of us, we were still able to exercise our right), we got through mid-terms, and we can all say we stayed on track of our goals we made for ourselves.
Now that 2016 is coming to a very close end, I believe we all need to learn how to stop stressing ourselves out. Lets make 2017 a good start for a lot of us. For some of us, we got that dream job you've always wanted, but there will be some stressful days. For college students, finals are approaching sooner than you think. For my high school students, don't those SAT's suck. But never fear, all of this is almost over! Though, I do believe we need to learn to stop stressing ourselves out.
We all have the one friend or family member or maybe even you that needs to chill the heck out! If you want to help, here are the best ways to de-stress.
1. Yoga
You do not, and I repeat, do not have to be physically fit to do yoga. This is just a form of exercise to get toned, it is a way to connect your body and your mind and be in a 'higher state of being'. Yoga is known to help maintain energy flow around you, helping those with high anxiety and depression. It helps you look through a positive lens and deals with our coping mechanisms.
2. Take a break
It is okay to take breaks and look at the world around you. In fact, you should be doing this everyday. Yes, you do have that paper to write and that meeting you need to prepare for but if you stop and look around and be aware of your surroundings, you'll feel a lot better about yourself and the assignment that is giving you stress.
3. Talk to someone
If you are having trouble or something is bothering you, talk to a friend, family member, or even a therapist. Having human interaction is a great way to de-stress. Heck, maybe someone who you are talking to is going through the same thing! You can both help each other out.
This ties in with yoga, but it is very important. Breathing deeply is the number one way of de-stressing. Inhale for five seconds and exhale for seven. This gives you a boost of oxygen and helps you feel relaxed and in tune with everything around you.
5. Dark chocolate
Who doesn't love chocolate?! It is known that dark chocolate is not only good for your health (in small amounts) but for stress and anxiety too! So eat that Hershey kiss and feel happy!
These are just a few ways to help de-stress. Everyone is different and reacts a certain way to different solutions. Try out some of the techniques above and I believe you will be less stressed and feel better about that assignment that is due in a few hours.
Have a great day everyone!