Halloween is the time of year that people will plan for weeks, or the night before, for the right costume and the right party to attend. For children, it is the night that they get to pretend to be whom they want and going door to door for candy and other little things. For parents, it is the time they worry most because they worry about the creeps lurking in the dark that might snatch up their little ones. I think most people agree, though, that this holiday is one of the favorites because people can pretend to be who they want for a few hours.
When looking at the beautiful costumes that celebrities like Heidi Klum wear, people will stand in awe of how much it changes someone and how much thought that it took. Some people will make the last minute "cat" costume because they got invited or they will throw something together in their closet. People will walk themselves to either a front door or a party and enjoy the rest of the night with the trick or theaters or their friends. The real question lies unanswered: is Halloween an escape? I think people put so much thought into their costumes to hide the things they might feel because they're afraid of what is going on in the inside that they cannot control. People need to feel a sense of relief as things arise like the depression and stress from the soon to be Christmas shopping, or the fact that college is just kicking everyone's butt. People dress up and hide from the real world while little kids think it is just a thing to do.
The bowls of candy that line the front door while swarms of little people ring the bell and they find it easier just to sit right there so they will not have to walk as much. The candy that brings joy to little faces, but fear to parents and teachers because of the distraction they cause. The love of the sugary sweetness that has not given way to the enamel of teeth is felt for any young child, while teens and adults are going for the things that can create a larger addiction. Halloween is a fun time to go out and enjoy yourself, but it is also a tad worse because everyone is dressed up now and masks are usually a hit. So beware of surroundings and intake so people won't be worried the next morning.
Halloween is the time of year to be scary with all the spiders and ghosts swarming each house that has a story to go with it. Little kids hiding from the front door while young adults swarm for the entrance to a local party. They all want to escape and they are doing what they can because reality is scary. The movies created suspense and speculation because it could happen to anyone, but the real world has people hiding from their responsibilities. This is the night that people need to be cautious of for there is a lot more evil in the world because it literally sucks the joy out of people in the later part of the year.