The Best Things to do During a Hurricane | The Odyssey Online
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The Best Things to do During a Hurricane

Beating Boredom During Hurricane Harvey

The Best Things to do During a Hurricane
The Chic Observer

This nightmare is finally over ... kind of. While the process of rebuilding and overcoming the devastation of the storm has just begun, we at least are getting some sunshine now. Although my family and I were elated that we were not flooded, and while our hearts ached for those who suffered in the storm, being cooped up at home for five days was less than thrilling.

As a person who gets cabin fever after sitting at home for a mere eight hours, I was driving myself crazy looking for things to do. I welcomed any and every task that could offer a little distraction. Luckily the flood waters now have receded enough for us to safely leave our house, but I know not everyone has been so fortunate. So if you are still confined to your home, here are a few things to do:

1. Clean out your closet

There's no better time to finally purge your closet than now! You will have ample time to really go through and think about the last time you've worn a piece or how much you truly like it anymore. Also, you can kill some additional time by trying every item in question on to determine whether or not it still fits properly and looks up to par.

2. Do a face mask

What better way to relax your worried mind and rejuvenate your skin than with a little R & R.

3. Actually complete your full beauty regimen

I'll be the first one to admit that I don't always follow my whole routine; I skip the toner here, ignore my eye cream there ... I'm only human! So while you are stuck inside, now is the time to get back in the habit of following your entire beauty routine. Hopefully you'll love the results so much you will continue to do it even after being liberated from your home.

4. Online shop

When I tell you I was up at 7am giddy with excitement for the Lilly Pulizter After Party Sale, I mean it! While my online shopping habits aren't as tame as they should be, it can be good for your mind. Not only does it give you something fun to do, but it also gives you something to look forward to in the mail.

5. Read

A few of my favorites here.

6. Write

We all know we see those cute little journals in Target and swear we are going to write down all the piercing insights and beautiful thoughts that come to mind each day just to have an excuse to buy one ... . And let's face it. There's probably one, tags still on, and they lost in the backseat of your car right now. Well, break that bad boy out and start writing. It could be fun and a little therapeutic.

7. Learn a new language

I've always wanted to master a new language but consistently find myself starting in earnest, but then tapering off! However, during all the downtime I had waiting for the storm to pass, I re-downloaded the Duolingo app on my phone and became absorbed in some at-home French lessons.

8. Start a new Netflix series

Start a new one ... or rewatch Gossip Girl for the thousandth time ... no judgment here.

9. Stretch

I highly recommend a nice long stretch once you've peeled yourself off the sofa after polishing off the first season of that new Netflix show.

Vivre dans le luxe,


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