Being a dog mom has brought so much joy into my life. Included in that joy are many many other things such as sleepless nights, crazy adventures, loud laughs, wonderful memories, and lots of love. If you have a dog, or maybe even have ever been around a dog, I’m sure you will relate to these 8 things that make being a dog parent the most pawsome thing ever.
- Constantly Talking About Them. Most of the time I find myself talking about my dog, and I even find different ways to bring him into conversations that you wouldn’t normally talk about dogs in. As if talking about my dog isn’t enough, I also always find loopholes in order to show off all the cute pictures of my dog doing all kinds of cute things.
- Always Having A Cuddle Buddy. Trying to fit two people and a full sized dog in a full sized bed is a bit tricky. But thankfully our dog loves to cuddle. So even when my boyfriend is deep sleeping and not cuddling me, I can reach for our dog and I know he will snuggle up with me.
- Dog Voice. It is my FAVORITE thing. It gets our dog so excited most of the time and he loves it even though he has no clue what I’m talking about.
- Talking For Them. Hand in hand with using a dog voice comes talking for your dog. I do this CONSTANTLY. They don’t have an actual voice, so as their parents we have to talk for them…. Right? I talk for our dog no matter the situation. I even send my boyfriend pictures and messages “from” our dog.
- Their Excitement And Waggy Tails. The joy that a dog has when they see their owners after a long day of work is magical. It is pure love and companionship. I’ve seen dogs do so many things when they get excited. Our dog runs around and wags not only his tail, but his entire backside. Knowing that that excitement is because of their love for us is amazing.
- Holiday Dog Gifts. As if we need another reason to buy things for our dogs, right? It takes so much self restraint to not purchase a new squeaky toy, rope, or pig ear EVERY TIME that we are at the dog store. So when the holidays come that gives me every right (and excuse) to spoil my fur baby. Sometimes I think I buy more for my dog than any person in my family.
- Family Photos Aren’t Complete Without The Babies. And obviously I mean the fur babies. What is a family picture if you don’t include your dog? Adding in your dogs just goes to show everyone who the favorite is.
- Dog Kisses Are The Best Kisses. I will never not accept kisses from my doggo. He loves mommy and has to show it off and kissing is one of his favorite ways to do so. I love saying “give mommy a kiss” and he will lift his snout to my face and give me a good lick. Precious.
Owning a dog has benefited me in so many ways; even more than I’ll ever be able to explain to anyone. Knowing that I have my dog that will always love me and “listen” to me is a great confidence boost that makes taking on every day just a bit easier.