Social media is so deceiving lately, always posting about relationship goals or get yourself a man like this. Honestly, I'm tired of it and why don't we hear more about our girls? LET'S BE REAL! It's hard to be absolutely yourself around a boy, for it takes some time to break down those walls and really get comfortable with each other.
Reflecting on my college life so far, All I can be really grateful for is my GIRLS! Here are the best things about having girlfriends!
There is always that unspoken rule or constant animosity when texting a boy. When it comes to girls, there are no rules. I always love waking up in the morning and texting my group chats to see who is either down for breakfast, a study session, or just to check in to make sure everyone is alive. You can text and little and as much as you want and not break a sweat.
2. Unconditional Love
Whenever I'm getting ready for a big interview or for a special event, I always look to my friends for approval. Not only do they know what's in my closet and may suggest a better clothing item they really care about putting my best foot forward and telling me if I look my best in whatever I choose to wear. Sometimes the truth is something people avoid to share because they are afraid to offend someone, but friends will love you no matter what and just want you to be happy.
3. Movie binge
I always love Friday nights. My friends and I have made little traditions of gaining out to dinner, getting our favorite snacks, and picking a movie or Netflix show to binge on. Usually, we all go off topic and get deep into conversation and dance around like complete fools, but these are the memories I will cherish the most about college.
4. Girls squads
Personally, I feel more confident when I am surrounded by my friends whoever we go out to have fun. When you share a common interest of either singing as loud as you can taking a good car ride or just need a dance partner that you can bust a move on the dance floor, having your friends by your side makes every night that much more fun.
5. The good and the bad
It would be a fairytale if friendships were always peaches, but reality is... girls have their fights. Sometimes usually it always surrounds little things because we spend so much time together. The important thing about having healthy friendships is being open and communicate how you feel. Usually, little things get resolved and life moves on. If it is not a fight between each other your friends are there for you when your down or just not feeling your best. We need each other through college to stay and finish strong.
6. The best side kick
Maybe it is just me, but I love when my friends are down for anything like going shopping, getting food, going to the gym, and getting nails done. My friends and I are so close you would think we are related and I am so happy to have such great gals in my life that push me to be the best person I can be!