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The Best Summer Romance Movies To Get You Dreamin' Of Summer Love

Summer - the season of romance

The Best Summer Romance Movies To Get You Dreamin' Of Summer Love

Summer is slowly approaching which means summer flings and relationships will be coming in hot. School is out, the weather is warm, and everyone is happy. Summer love movies really get you excited for that summer fling or relationship with the kisses in the rain, the boardwalk dates, and fair visits. There is a good chance if you have a significant other this summer, you'll most likely watch a summer romance movie to get you in the summer love mood.

Here are the best summer romance movies you can watch to get you ready for your summer love:

1. The Notebook

"The Notebook" is a movie based off of Nicholas Sparks' novel. This movie screams summer romance. It's about a guy named Noah who desperately tries to win over a girl named Allie. They end up having a summer fling but it is soon ruined by Allie moving back home. The movie comes with unexpected twists and turns which always leads me into tears and hanging onto my boyfriend.

2. The Last Song

Another movie based off one of Nicholas Sparks' novels. Starring Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth (who are actually married today in real life if you didn't know!). The two meet when Ronnie (Miley) moves to Georgia with her dad after her parents divorce. Ronnie meets Will (Liam) and finds out they have a lot in common which leads to a romantic relationship.

3. 50 First Dates

"50 First Dates" which stars Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore is set on an island in Hawaii... you can't get any more summery than that. Henry, the main character, meets and ends up falling for Lucy. Come to find out, Lucy has short-term memory loss so she doesn't remember Henry so Henry tries his hardest throughout the movie to fix that. This movie is a funny, touching and romantic all in one.

4. Blue Crush

A true star who is trying to come back from a surfing accident starts to fall in love with a professional football player. If you love sports and like love stories, this movie is a perfect one to watch this summer.

5. Dirty Dancing

A true summer classic. Baby (Jennifer Grey) is staying at her family's resort for the summer. She starts to fall in love with her dancing instructor (Patrick Swayze).

6. Grease

After all, "Summer Nights" is one of the movie's most famous songs. "Grease" is still a very popular movie to this day. It stars John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John. Their characters are love interests throughout the whole movie... it's the original feel good vibe love story.

7. Dear John

Another great romance movie based off of a novel by Nicholas Sparks. John, played by Channing Tatum, comes to Charleston, South Carolina while on leave. He meets Savannah (Amanda Seyfried) and they end up hitting it off. Later, John is deployed again and him and Savannah have to figure out ways to still make their relationship work.

8. A Walk To Remember

Nicholas Sparks is truly the king of summer love novels (and movies that get based off of them.) Landon (Shane West) who is the "bad boy" of his town gets caught underage drinking and has the choice to either get expelled or do some types of community service. He chooses the community service and meets Jamie (Mandy Moore). Landon doesn't want people to know that him and Jamie are friends... let alone a romantic couple in the future until Jamie reveals something to Landon that changes everything.

9. Dirty Dancing 2: Havana Nights

Katey and her family move down to Cuba. Katey eventually picks up dancing as a hobby and meets Javier who is a waiter. The story is similar but very different from the first "Dirty Dancing," but it will still get you in the mood to dirty dance with your partner in the summer night.

10. Forgetting Sarah Marshall

A true summer romantic comedy, Peter (Jason Segel) is a composer and his girlfriend, Sarah, of five years stars in his TV show. Sarah breaks up with Peter out of no where so Peter decides to go on vacation in Hawaii to take his mind off of it. He finds out Sarah is at the same island he is with her new boyfriend. Peter then meets Rachel (Mila Kunis) and starts to get feelings for her.

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