My favorite time of year is, without a doubt, fall—though Christmas is up there too. But if I had to spend the rest of my life in one season, it would undoubtedly be fall.
I was born in October, so fall has always been high on my list of favorite things just because of my birthday. But as I’ve gotten older, fall has become more than just the time of year when I get presents for being born.
The weather in the fall is honestly the best. There’s a perfect balance of sunny and rainy days, and it’s never too cold or too hot. You can wear sweaters all the time, and warm coffee is everywhere. I’m not ashamed to admit that pumpkin spice is one of the top reasons why fall is the best when it comes to coffee.
There’s so much to do in the fall! The weather is great to take long walks all throughout your city or town, and all you have to do is throw on a light jacket and be on your way. Fall is beautiful, too; all the leaves change to wonderful reds and golds and oranges, and Earth’s overall aesthetic is perfect in the last months of the year.
Halloween is one of the best holidays, too. Who doesn’t love dressing up as something that they’re not and going around for candy? And even when you’re “too old” to go trick-or-treating, Halloween is still a great time (an excuse) to go out and buy a ton of candy for yourself and your friends.
Fall weather is sweater weather, and there’s nothing better than wearing a cute and comfy sweater with an equally as comfy scarf and boots. Just walking around in your scarf with a warm cup of coffee, breathing in the brisk fall air…. There’s nothing better. There’s also just a certain smell to fall that is universally loved. It smells clean and crisp, and a lot of times there’s pumpkin in the air (depending on how close you are to Starbucks). Apple picking is one of my top favorite things to do, and then you can sit and eat apple pie and sip at a lovely cup of tea.
Thanksgiving is at the very end of fall, but it’s a great way to end the best season, and to kick off the new. It starts to get colder and the Christmas lights start to come out, but everyone fondly looks back on the colors and weather of fall. But even as the season changes, the last few leaves cling to the trees like all of us fall-lovers cling to the wonderfulness of fall.