The race for the Presidency is coming down to the wire, and most people are researching "Ways Donald Trump Does Not Win." He has shocked the country with his speeches, debates, and more recently, his rallies. So I decided to see what some protesters have come up with to put on their signs as they attend these rallies for Trump.
" Harry Potter" will always trump Trump.
The sign does not lie. I would assume that Dumbledore would make sure Trump's application for Hogwarts would be thrown out the window immediately.
A political, yet personal burn.
Talk about putting up a conversation wall during a marriage fight.
Not much thought, just down-right teasing.
This lady thought of the one thing no one else would have, but nailed her protest sign in one, child-humored sentence. Pizza with a fork? Ha.
Trump is not the only 10 I see... get it?
It is sort of like the subtle yawn the hosts do when you overstay the party visit... leave means leave.
We may need to do a personal background check on the toupee for this one.
Look at Donald's glorious hair as it waves in the wind as he is giving his spee... wait, there's no wind? Does he have his hair on backwards today? STEVEN, YOU PUT HIS HAIR ON THE WRONG WAY.
Play on hair words, clever.
I feel like the toupee has a mind of its own, whispering what Trump should say in his ear. We all know who is behind this mess now. Not the mess his hair is in... you know what I mean.
Marco Rubio may have had a point calling out Trump's hands.
First his small hands, now his fingers? The body parts on Donald Trump this presidential race are not getting a break.
Let's make a deal.
I think the currency exchange is a bit outdated. Last time I checked, we were giving Donald Trumps out like it was the post-WWII German inflation.
Back at it again with the unnecessary comments about everything.
10/10. Clever, great thought, and she stuck the landing!