You've been through heartache recently, and maybe not recently, but you still feel it like it was yesterday, or maybe you only feel like it was on the bad days, but I'm here to tell you that it's OK.
You are allowed to feel however you do, and today, I'm just here to help you through that.
I'm sure you've heard a handful of times before, by a handful of other people, but love will come again. You will pick yourself up, brush the dust off of your shoulders and start to put your pieces back together again.
You will go days where you feel sad, angry, frustrated and disappointed that things didn't work, but you have to remember why they didn't work, to begin with.
You have to remember that you deserve nothing but to be infinitely happy today and for the rest of your life. You deserve nothing but endless, flowing love that makes your heart full, that makes you smile uncontrollably for absolutely no other reason than that you feel loved, and you feel happy.
You deserve to wake up and remember that this is your life and this life is what you make of it.
Breathe through the bad days, cry through them, scream through them and sing, dance, laugh and love through the good ones.
We have to remember that we lose people, and then we find new ones. That's how it works, and this is all part of your life plan.
The moon orchestrates our nights and tides, and if that isn't the best metaphor for our lives and the plan the universe has for us, then I don't know what is.
So, I leave you with this advice today — you are going to be OK. Your heart might be broken, but you are not. You will heal, and you will forget about the boy who broke your heart over the smallest fight you've ever had. You will forget the pain; you will forget the bad days.
You will be better for this, although it will feel worse before it gets better. And I will not lie to you; it will feel worse before it feels better.
Breathe and enjoy today. You will find someone, and you will love again. You will find someone who will love you the way you need and deserve to be.
So, go on, get out there and live your life. Right now, in this moment, you are the youngest you are ever going to be again.
Love will come again, and with each relationship, it will get better.