We've all been there, literally, we have all sat at the kids table at one point in our life. That main part usually being when we are kids, however my husband and I seem to always find our way to the kids table and have Holiday dinners with the youngest munchkins of the family.
It's really not that bad, no really the kids are fun to talk to and they don't ask too difficult of questions. Mostly things like how old are you and why are you sitting with us. It's not questions like when are you two going to have kids or have you been looking for a job in your field? Why can't you seem to find one?
Kids are sweet, sometimes they are a handful and sometimes you feel like you're going crazy because you can't really have an adult conversation with them. But it's a breath of fresh air and brings me back to a simpler time of worrying about the elf on the shelf or how many more bites do I have to take until I can eat dessert.
Moving on with the conversation specifically. I've been working with children up close and personal since September now and it has really helped me connect more with the children in my family. There is a certain type of conversation that is held when talking to kids, especially the younger ones. They want to tell you everything but they also want to know everything from you and what is going on in your life. End of story, Holidays are great and sitting at the kids table is pretty great too. I sit at the kids table every day at work so I guess I'm pretty prepared for the Holidays!