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The Best Of Nashville

What not to miss.

The Best Of Nashville
Ardent Commercial Realty

My family and I love taking road trips to Nashville. The laid-back atmosphere of true, Southern comfort is unlike any place in the world. You’re sure to meet unforgettable friendly faces, and hopefully you’ll fall in love with this place as much as I did.

Here are the seven venues that you do not want to miss in Nashville (in no particular order).

Americano Freestyle Tapas Bar

Seafood Paella

Stationed in Midtown Nashville on its West End Ave, Americano boasts funky, festive decor with tapas style portions. Americano serves its patrons dishes with a Nashville flair including paella Americano (pictured), crispy brussels, Nashville hot cauliflower, and spicy tuna guacamole. Four blocks from Vanderbilt University, this restaurant is distinctive and hits the spot every time.

The Parthenon at Centennial Park

Christmas at The Parthenon

Also on West End Avenue, the Parthenon serves as a prominent art museum and an icon of Centennial Park. Amidst the background of Nashville's thriving, bustling metropolis, the Parthenon functions as a breathing space to Nashville's residents, similar to Central Park in New York City. During the winter, the Parthenon shows off its red and green columns and reflects in the nearby water of Centennial Park. It's a full-size replica of the Greek landmark.

Emerson Grace

The Boutique's Interior

In the 12 South neighborhood of Nashville with beautifully-restored homes and retro coffee shops, Emerson Grace possesses contemporary fashion pieces based in Los Angeles. Some brands in their portfolio include Feel the Piece, James Perse, and Citizens of Humanity. The shop is near Jeni’s Ice Cream Shop and a Sprinkles Cupcake ATM. Also, go visit Draper James, Reese Witherspoon's boutique, and get offered freshly brewed sweet tea upon entering the doors.


The Interior, Bar Area

Rated by the Nashville Scene and Nashville Lifestyles as the best sushi in all of Nashville, Virago's interior design and sushi are unprecedented. OpenTable rated Virago as the Top 100 Spot restaurants in the United States. As described on their website, Virago is truly "an experience" of Asian fusion, creative mixology, and a "dining adventure." Visit Virago if you are a sushi fanatic and want to have the best you've ever had.

The Grand Ole Opry House at Opryland

The Entrance of the Grand Ole Opry

When the Ryman, the original location of the Grand Ole Opry, made its last broadcast in 1974, the Grand Ole Opry moved to its new home at Opryland. During the winter months, you can see the Grand Ole Opry performance at its original location, The Ryman. Located on Opryland Drive near a mall, hotel, and movie theatre, the Grand Ole Opry holds weekly performances that began as an hour barn-dance on WSM. Another interesting event at the new Grand Ole Opry is the tours with many photo opportunities and iconic historical lessons from behind the scenes where the magic happens. It's a place country music lovers and non-country music lovers will enjoy alike.

Cheekwood Botanical Garden and Museum of Art

The Grounds

Nestled in seven acres of gorgeous gardens including wildflower, herb, Japanese, and more, Cheekwood is the perfect place to see unparalleled exquisiteness peppered with history and grace. The Cheek family created a great-tasting coffee brand, marketed in a prominent hotel, Maxwell House. They hired Bryan Fleming, a home and landscape architect from New York to design their estate. Completed in 1932, Fleming made his masterpiece in Cheekwood of Nashville.

The Bluebird Cafe

Finally, the iconic Bluebird features acoustic, original music every evening. Reservations are a must, but if you can get a seat, you will have the time of your life at Bluebird. When I was there, I listened to an evening of Don Schlitz, writer of "The Gambler," "Forever and Ever, Amen," and "When You Say Nothing At All" among many others. I even had the opportunity to meet him afterwards at the Bluebird. It's an intimate space for music lovers and magic truly envelops and encompasses you in a warmth of hope and pure, blissful chords. It's been featured on Nashville, one of my personal favorite shows.

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