The Best Of My 2016 | The Odyssey Online
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The Best Of My 2016

It’s crazy to think that a year has already come and gone in a blink of an eye.

The Best Of My 2016
Elisabeth Werries

When looking back on 2016, a lot has happened. It’s crazy to think that a year has already come and gone in a blink of an eye. Where has the time gone? What have I been doing all this time? It’s crazy to think that next year will be 2017. As I look back on some of the great times I’ve had in 2016, I finally narrowed it down to my top 10 favorite memories of 2016.

Here we go!

10. BroSis New Year

The best way to start out a new year is to grab your friends and a bottle of sparkling grape juice, play some ten men in a bag, and sit up all night with each other talking and enjoy each others company. Every New Year this happens with my best friends (we call ourselves the BroSis). I would not trade this memory for the world.

9. Dnow

This past year my roommate volunteered me to help out with a DNow (Disciple Now). DNow is a program where churches look for college students to come in and help out with a weekend long retreat by teaching lessons, spending time with the kids and doing anything the youth pastor needs. At first, I was a little hesitant about going, but I went and by golly, I’m so glad I did. I not only had so much fun speaking life into the 6th and 7th-grade girls, but I also had fun spending the night with them and getting to know each one of them personally. This was an experience I will never forget. My 6th and 7th graders touched my life.

8. Jessie visiting me at college

Jessie is my best friend from home. My first year of college was really rough because she was still in high school and I didn't get to see her much. We would Facetime all the time but we still missed each other. Jessie’s mom asked her what she wanted for her 18th birthday and she said “all I want to do is see Brittany,” so Jessie and her mom and a friend traveled up to Bolivar and spent the weekend with me. It was so nice to have Jessie in my neck of the woods. I showed her around the Bolivar area and afterward we had a photo shoot. I’m so thankful for Jessie’s friendship and her willingness to travel to see me.

7. Getting asked to be a bridesmaid in Callie and Alex and Brooke and Joey’s wedding

This past spring, two of my favorite couples finally got engaged. One night I was at camp and I came into my lounge room and there were flowers and a note. I decided to be a sneak and see who they were for. As I read the note, I found out they were for me. I read the note some more and come to find out the flowers and the note were from Callie and she had asked me to be a bridesmaid in her and Alex’s wedding. I was so honored and blessed.

I’ve known Brooke for years. She was my tumbling coach and recently she was my co-worker at the dance studio. I had the opportunity to help out with her engagement. When she gave me the card saying she wanted me to be a bridesmaid in her wedding, I flipped. I’m looking forward to both of these weddings in 2017!

6. Living with my best friends at college

Living with other people in college is rough, but when you live with you best friends, it makes it a lot more fun. I’m so blessed that Nissa, Rachele, Taylor and I decided to super suite our rooms. Although we fight a lot and make each other stay up way past our bedtimes talking, I wouldn’t trade living with them for the world.

5. Playing Clarice in The Servant of Two Masters

Another exciting point in my semester was playing Clarice in SBU’s production of The Servant of Two Masters. Clarice is a very bubbly, bouncy, ditsy and crazy character. I’ve always wanted to play a character like her and I finally got to do that. I also got to wear a beautiful dress. I’m so thankful SBU put this production on and that I got to play one of my all-time favorite characters.

4. Coming home on breaks and seeing family

I’m so thankful that on breaks I get to come back to the 217 to see family and friends. It’s so good to be back home for a short amount of time to regroup and eat “real” food. It’s nice to go on familiar roads, go to local restaurants and see old faces again. I love home and I’m so thankful to have family and friends that accept me with open arms when I return.

3. Becoming a dancer at Center Stage Dance Academy

This past year I decided that I wanted to get back into dancing. I’ve always been a dancer but I really wanted to do studio dance again. I went online and found Center Stage Dance Academy and they seemed like a perfect fit, and they were. They accepted me with open arms. I’ve really enjoyed getting back into the studio and touching up my tap, jazz, ballet, lyrical and hip-hop skills. In fact, I will be competing with them next year on their hip hop team. I’ve enjoyed the friendships and the skill I’ve gained at Center Stage.

2. Dancing and assistant directing at Green Pastures

One of the best parts of my summer is going out to Green Pastures and teaching dance. Dance is a big part of my life and I love teaching it and giving the glory to God. One of the best parts of my summer though was assistant directing a week of camp with my two best friends. We faced many challenges, but overall, it was a fantastic experience and I’m so blessed that I got to share that experience with my two best friends, Jasper and Ryan.

Finally, the moment you’ve all been waiting for, my #1!

1. Finally figuring out what I want to do with my life

This past year I’ve been doing a lot of praying and seeking God’s wisdom of what I should be doing with my future. Through many experiences from this past year, I’ve grown in my love for children, ministry, the arts, and camps. I’ve decided that I want to teach and become a camp director at a facility. I would love to use my theater and dance skills in these areas. I can’t wait to see where God is going to take me with this.

Thanks for all the memories, 2016! Here’s to 2017!

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