If you’re from anywhere in the United States, other than Indiana (and maybe other parts of the Midwest,) you probably have no idea who Mike Pence is. You might have Googled him, and you probably haven’t found the best things. If you’re a Hoosier, like me, you’ve been dealing with some of the nonsense that Mike Pence has been putting out for at least three years now. If you’re lucky enough to live in the Sixth (previously the Second) Congressional District of Indiana, you’ve known about him for even longer, as he was your Congressional Representative from 2001 to 2013. I am that lucky — Mike Pence has been my congressman or governor for all but five years of my life.
By lucky, however, I actually mean annoyed. Mike Pence has been a presence in this state, especially in his position as governor, that has managed to work against students, women and just about anyone of the non-Christian type. In Mike Pence’s 15-year congressional and gubernatorial reign, he’s said and done some pretty odd and inconsiderate things. Here are six of Mike Pence's best terrible moments and ideas.
1. When he tried to deny the devastating effects of smoking
“Despite the hysteria from the political class and the media, smoking doesn't kill.”
This is probably the most ridiculous of the ridiculous things that Mike Pence has said or done. A hard-line conservative in favor of a smaller government,Pence declared this in his 2001 Op-Ed in an apparent defense of the tobacco industry because “...2 out of every 3 smokers does not die from a smoking related illness.” You can check out the piece here.
2. When he never tried to hide his hatred toward the gay community
Pence's hatred towards the LGBTQ community has always been very forward and has dictated some of his legislation. As early as 2003, he co-sponsored an amendment which would have banned gay marriage as a whole. Pence later became momentarily famous in 2015 when he signed the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, which would have allowed business owners to deny customers based on their religious beliefs. If a bakery didn't want to bake a cake for a lesbian wedding, then they had the right to do so without fear of legal penalties. This protection already existed under the first amendment, but Mike Pence felt it necessary to sign this law in an attempt to shame the LGBTQ community.
In 2000, he wrote about his opinions about LGBTQ rights on his Congressional website. He wrote that homosexuals should not be recognized as a minority, that Congress should oppose any effort to legalize gay and lesbian relationships on any level, and to quote, "resources should be directed toward those institutions which provide assistance to those seeking to change their sexual behavior,” rather than being spent on HIV research and prevention.
3. When he insulted Disney and Mulan
Because he's Mike Pence and because he's so unapologetically conservative, he stated in 1999 that Mulan was an attempt by a liberal jockey at Disney to influence the debate on women in the military.
That's right, folks. Mike Pence actually called an innocent children's film liberal propoganda. I'll just leave you with this quote and hide in shame for my state:
"Disney expects us to believe that Mulan’s ingenuity and courage were enough to carry her to military success on an equal basis with her cloddish cohorts. Obviously, this is Walt Disney’s attempt to add childhood expectation to the cultural debate over the role of women in the military.”
4. When he refused to allow the needle exchange
In early 2015, an HIV crisis was declared in southern Indiana. Pence, however, was relentlessly against allowing a needle exchange anywhere in his state until he absolutely had to. In the House, he voted to maintain a 21-year ban on the needle exchange, and prior to the rise of the emergency, he refused to allow the exchange through Indiana legislation. Only when the emergency reached its peak did Pence finally admit that the needle exchange was a necessity and sign legislation which would allow its temporary use.
5. When he restricted abortion rights and forced fetus funerals
Earlier this year, Pence made one of his many efforts to ban and criminalize abortions in the state of Indiana. His newest legislation would restrict the time at which Indiana women could obtain an abortion to earlier than 20 weeks — before a fetus could survive outside of the womb. The legislation also requires that any aborted or miscarried fetuses be either cremated or buried. This would take away the choice of mothers to do so on their own and could cause further trauma to women who miscarry or choose to abort. Pence has always been staunchly pro-life, voting to defund Planned Parenthood and restricting access to abortions at every possible corner.
6. When he attempted to strip Glenda Ritz of all power
As a proponent of educational rights, this is the thing that irks me the most about Mike Pence. State Superintendent of Education Glenda Ritz was elected in 2012, the only Democrat holding a statewide office, alongside Governor Pence. The two have been at odds ever since. While Pence supports test-based accountability, Ritz opposes standardized tests and has fought to make a change in the state's educational systems.
Pence found much frustration with Ritz and in February 2015made an attempt to strip her of the power that the people of Indiana elected to give her. The bill would have allowed the State Board of Education to elect it's own chairperson, which was formally a responsibility for the State Superintendent of Education (Ritz). In other words, Ritz would no longer have the power she was elected by and she would be removed as the committee chair. This bill was Pence's way of not only taking away the voice of his constituents, but also attempting to remove power from his enemy. Why should we trust him in the Vice Presidential office and as second in line of presidential succession?
Overall, Pence's record reflects that of defiant conservative attitudes and a refusal to consider new ideas. He has done terrible things in the state of Indiana, and I can promise you that he would wreak havoc as Vice President of the United States.