The Best in Me
Allow me to first mention you are good enough, but it’s not by what you do or who you are but by who He is. The most important One in the universe says I’m wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14), and He has qualified me (Colossians 1:12). I understand this is really hard to grasp. There are times when I sure do not feel good enough but I feel more like a piece of trash. ‘Why would anybody want to be around me?’ ‘What is my purpose?’ ‘How could God love me?’
Even in my most rotten times – the times I don’t even like myself – I’m still just as loved by God as if I were a pocket full of sunshine.
Hebrews 13:8: “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.”
Perhaps a lot of people have the idea that Christians are supposed to be perfect, and when something naughty comes out of their mouths or they do something inappropriate, they are acting like those who don’t have Jesus. True. As Christians, we represent Christ…
These past few days, I have felt a lack in worth. I’m not good enough. No one is. Maybe you’re thinking, “Cassie, the first thing you said in this blog was that I am good enough.” I did, but remember no one is good enough on their own. This is why Jesus came. He was good enough, so He chose to die on the cross for everybody’s sins. I am only good enough because Christ’s sacrifice has made me righteous. Jesus doesn’t want us to feel like we can’t ever measure up though. I dare say men search for worth in possessions, such as cars, if you’ve had sexual relations with a woman, and if you’re like John Stamos from ‘Full House’, then maybe your hair. Girls, I’d say many times we measure our worth in our appearance –style, whether or not we have a boyfriend, our physical features. I know I’m so critical of myself, and I have a sincere struggle with perfection and religion. I will never be good enough on my own. There is nothing I can say or do to make myself right. Jesus justifies (makes right) and sanctifies (sets me apart for His use) me. I hope this is reviving for any of you who struggle like I do. We will never find worth in materialistic possessions or how much makeup we pack on. We are still us with or without those things, “Fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14). Our worth is measured by who He says we are.
He doesn’t see our mistakes but He sees His son, Jesus, in us (Ephesians 2:13 and Hebrews 8:12). You don’t have to try so hard to be good enough. You already are.