The Best Hidden Dessert Gems In NYC | The Odyssey Online
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The Best Hidden Dessert Gems In NYC

The best places to satisfy your sweet tooth.

The Best Hidden Dessert Gems In NYC
Matt Marcello

Going to school in New York City allows me to explore every nook and cranny that all five boroughs have to offer when it comes to food (that is when I'm not drowning in essays and assignments). We all see those Instagram and Facebook accounts that show you all the generic and "touristy" food spots in NYC, but I am going to tell you all of the REAL hidden food gems of NYC, all of which I have been to and will continue to frequent in the future.

Wooly's Shaved Snow

700 8th Avenue, Row Hotel

Shaved ice, or "snow", is perfect for those of us who are craving a nice, sweet cup of ice cream, but not looking to feel 5 pounds heavier afterward. Wooly's makes their product right in front of you, and give you a variety of toppings to choose from. It will melt in your mouth and will leave you wanting to try every flavor-topping combination.

Momofuku Milk Bar

561 Columbus Ave, 87th Street

The famous "cereal milk" ice cream flavor is definitely a unique taste that not everyone will enjoy. But taking one spoonful of this froyo will bring you back to your childhood days of slurping the leftover milk from your morning bowl of Frosted Flakes.

Levain Bakery

167 W 74th Street

The line WILL be long, but it will be worth the wait to get one (or three) of these hamburger-sized, warm cookies. You're going to go in expecting to only get one, but the smell alone will have you stocking up for the next couple of days.


195 Grand Street

You can't make a trip to Little Italy without stopping into Ferrara's. You can either take-out from a selection of cannolis and cakes or dine in and enjoy a salted caramel gelato frappé like the one seen above.


550 LaGuardia Pl

One of the best things ever created - edible cookie dough. I first went to DŌ about a year ago, when it was simply a very nice couple located in a building which I had to get buzzed into. Now, they've opened up their very own, ice-cream-style shop that I CANNOT wait to visit. My only fear is that I will never leave...

Casa Toscana

1000 8th Ave

I've only had their delicious gelato, but they also have a wide variety of lunch, dinner and coffee items on their menu which I am eager to try.

Max Brenner

841 Broadway

Chocolate lovers beware: Stepping foot into this Union Square location may put you into cardiac arrest just from reading the menu. I'm talking chocolate pizza, chocolate waffles, chocolate "pasta" and more!

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