I already had my best friends. We grew up together and have a million memories to share. But when we graduated high school it was an unavoidable break-up. Of course, we are still the best of friends and no one could ever replace them, but our lives simply didn't match up and we all went our separate ways.
I really struggled with the idea of new 'best friends'. I thought that I didn't need anyone else and that I could manage the whole 'long-distance' thing with my already existing best friends.
But that was not what God intended. And I am so thankful for that.
I needed them. And God provided. Sometimes facetime isn't an option and busy lives stand in the way of a phone call, so I needed friends to pick me up when I fell, and oh trust me when I fall, I fall hard.
I wasn't expecting to fall in love, get hurt, and need these girls to be there while I cry and mend my heart. I could not have picked myself up out of the pit and dusted myself off. They were there to tell me I didn't need him to be happy. They showed me that happiness comes in the simplest forms, like tacos and ice cream.
They never hesitated to love me, even when I felt like the world was against me. Even when I pushed them away, they were still there trying to lift me up. I never asked for their friendship and yet here they are giving it to me. I will never be able to tell them truly how much they mean to me.
So here's to y'all, this one is for you. For the girls I didn't know I needed, the ones I absolutely can't live without. Thank you for proving to me that you can have and make best friends later in life. Thanks for always being honest with me, and for letting me cry, and for making me laugh.
You are truly my best friends, and I didnt expect to find you. But im so thankful that I did.