In my 23 years I’ve learned lots about the typical “fake friend”. You know the ones who are only there when they need something. Ones that always put you down and never support your decisions. The ones who always have something negative to say.
But goodness, please let me tell you about the real ones. The ones you can call crying at 2 am and they sit up just to listen to you talk about the stupid boy they told you to leave alone a long time ago. The ones you can show up at their house with a bag of clothes and half of their bed is yours. The girls who are more than 100% okay with you coming over in pjs at 4pm just to watch Netflix. The ones who are not expecting you to come without your child.
I think we all need friends like this in our lives. It took lots of trail and error to get to this point, but this, this is the point in life where you really find out who your friends are. The point where we are all getting married and having babies and pursuing careers. The ones that stick around, those are the ones you need—forever.