So if you're like me and you're away at college, you're bound to start missing your Mom eventually. We can't deny that no matter how much she yells or pesters us, our moms manage to still be some of the most important women in our lives. There are obviously millions of reasons to love your mom, but I guess describing 5 of them will do for now.
1. She thinks about you over every little thing.
I know for a fact that when my mother sees a DVD of my favorite childhood movie, she tries her hardest not to call me and check up on me for about the 8th time that day. I know that she thinks about me when making my favorite dinner and wishes that I was there. I know she goes into my room and touches all my old stuff, remembering how annoyed I got when she looted through my drawers. Truth is, my mom never stops thinking about me. A mother always remembers every little tidbit of her child's life.
2. She literally is only a phone call away.
My mom has managed to pick up every single time I've called her, whether it be a slightly drunken phone call at 3 a.m. or the casual good morning. She never fails to be there, even when she's at a dinner party or in a room full of people, my mom picks up the phone. She doesn't even know how grateful I am to know that someone will always be there to make my day a little bit brighter.
3. Her hugs make you feel like everything is okay again.
Sometimes I have bad days at college. Days where I don't want to get out of bed even to go to the bathroom or eat. Just thinking about my moms hugs make me feel like everything will be better soon. When she came to visit me during Parents Weekend, I just threw my arms around her and let the world melt away. There's something so comforting about knowing that there's someone who will never stop loving you no matter how many times you mess up.
4. She worries too much.
Yes, this is a good thing. I know it's annoying when you tell her you have a small cold and then there are hourly text messages going through your phone. I know it's annoying when she tries to Facetime you everyday and sometimes you just can't because of homework or exams. She worries so much; every time you don't answer a phone call, her head most likely jumps to the worst conclusion. But trust me, you don't know how comforting and brilliant it is to have someone who cares so much. When you feel like there's no one out there, just remember her. She's there.
5. She's your best friend.
I'm not exaggerating when I say that I talk to my mom about everything. She is my go to rant person, my crying buddy, or just someone I can say stupid things to. Even though I can't watch Gilmore Girls with her on our lumpy couch and eat nachos as often anymore, she's still there to listen to every stupid and unimportant thought that I have. She's always the easiest hello, and the hardest goodbye. I love you so much, mom.