"The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet."
- Romans 16:20
Honestly growing up I was always really close to Jesus. I went to a good Christian school kindergarten through fourth grade and I was really close to God; and then I switched schools and went to a public school which was the worst decision I probably ever have made. At first when I had transferred schools I really loved it and then the bullying stage set in. It was so very horrible and as I went on it continued to get worse I went to this school district fifth grade through seventh grade.
Once I moved schools I realized how distant I had been getting farther from God. I didn't have many friends, but the ones I did have didn't have a close relationship to Christ. So the bullying continued... I often found myself wondering questions like...
Why is my relationship with God fading? Why do people constantly wanna tear someone down and leave the person who's hurting alone to build themselves back up again and again? Why isn't anyone standing up for me? What did I do to deserve this treatment from my own classmates? Why me?
At this point no one understood what I was going through unless you have experienced it too at some point. Then I switched schools again. Although, it was still a public school it has made a world of difference in my life. Once I switched schools this next time I slowly started to get closer with God again. The bullying didn't happen at this new school, which was a new start for me. I felt accepted shockingly, instead of the school "outcast". I found out after a short period of time that surrounding yourself around people who have Christ in their heart can make a world of difference in your life and can connect you with other people who have a love for Jesus as well.
"Be still and know that I am God."
Psalm 46:10
Once I had started getting closer to Christ my first friend at my new school Natalie carried me to her church. I really loved it and I realized how much I missed being close to God. I felt at home the way anyone should feel when they walk through the doors of a church. It was as if all my problems had vanished into thin air.
"Cast all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you."
1 Peter 5:7
I met two of my best friend's who has truly helped me get closer to God my freshman and sophomore year of high school and they made me realize how valuable my relationship with Christ actually is. That's right Rebecca and Haleigh I'm talking about you guys!!!
They are the reason I've re-dedicated my life back to Christ.
My sophomore year of high school my best friend Haleigh got me to start going to one of our school clubs called "JAM" short for Jesus and Me. That's when I knew. Sitting in "JAM", and surrounding myself with people who truly love Jesus helps out a lot, as well as going to some of my friends church's when I can. All thanks to some of my closest friends I re-dedicated my life back to Christ on October 7, 2016.
This particular decision was the best decision I've ever made; and one day I hope you will accept him into your heart too because I can promise you it will be the best thing that has ever happened to you.
Turns out moving schools has turned out to be the best worst thing to ever happen to me; and for that I'm forever thankful.