1. Welcome to college: where you suddenly become really poor....all the time. And it doesn't matter if you have one job, two jobs, scholarships, grants, nice parents...YOU'RE STILL GOING TO BE POOR.
2. Registering for classes is like some sort of scary movie. You know what is probably going to happen, but you're still on the edge of your seat anticipating IF it will. There aren't many feelings like the one you feel when you see "class closed" two minutes before you register.
3. The beginning of the semester is exciting because of new professors, new classmates or old ones, new major courses that actually matter, and a new routine. But this excited feeling ends after about four weeks in. Or, if you're a senior, after about one week in. Enjoy that excitement while it lasts my friends.
4. This couldn't be any more accurate: take naps WHENEVER you can. Your body and brain will thank you later.
5. This is the worst. It is hard to sit in class for two hours...can't we just leave? Those two minutes might be precious but really prof, we are already checked out for the day.
6. This is by far my favorite meme. GROUP PROJECTS ARE THE MOST DREADED THING IN COLLEGE (besides 8am classes). I will continue to pray for all those who are encountering group projects for the semester.
7. YES YES YES. We are college kids; we like to ENJOY our weekends. So when Sunday comes, we actually get down to business. Weekends need to be longer, that is all I am saying.
8. Besides longer weekends, I also would like to start a petition for no homework over spring break. I am still trying to figure out how it is a break if I am still doing school work.
9. No words are needed for this meme. This happens to the best of us.
10. As they say, all good things must come to an end. So although college sure is tough sometimes, enjoy it, fellow classmates.
The real world looks even harder (and it sure it going to be here before you know it!).