The 5 Best Beaches In Jersey And What To Do There | The Odyssey Online
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The 5 Best Beaches In Jersey And What To Do There

If you're looking for something to do at the jersey shore, check out this list of the best beaches and what they're known for.

The 5 Best Beaches In Jersey And What To Do There

As the summer comes to an end, I’ve decided to do some research to find out which NJ beaches are the best to visit. Here is my list of the best beaches in NJ for 3 different types of activities.

1. Family Fun Beaches:

If you’re looking for a place to vacation with your family, these are the beaches to check out!

Long Beach Island

L.B.I is very well known for its family-friendly environment. You can find LBI at exit 63 on the NJ parkway south. This island is an 18 mile stretch of one main road from one end to the other. It consists of 10 different townships; Barnegat Light, Harvey Cedars, Loveladies, Surf City, Ship Bottom, Long Beach Township, Beach Haven, Brant Beach, Spray Beach, and Brighton Beach. On the Island, you will find a multitude of different mini-golf places; there's one on almost every corner! You can also spend a few hours at Bay Village (LBI’s version of a boardwalk), which is filled with candy shops, ice cream parlors, and souvenir shops. Located right across from Bay Village are the island’s only amusement parks: Fantasy Island and Thundering Surf Water Park.

Stone Harbor

Stone Harbor is a bit quieter of a beach town, but it is still a great one. Stone Harbor offers fun for the entire family! You can sit and relax on the rarely-crowded beach. Is your sweet tooth calling? That’s okay! You can peek through the windows of the Original Fudge Kitchen and watch the sweets being made. Rainy day got you down? That’s alright, head on over to Island Studio where you can paint your own pottery! End your day off with some homemade ice cream from Springers, a Stone Harbor staple!

2. Boardwalks:

Looking for some great pizza and souvenirs? I've got the beaches for you!

Ocean City

It's true that many NJ beaches have boardwalks, but in my opinion, Ocean City is number one! If you’re not feeling the beach, take a walk on the 2.5 mile long boardwalk. Spend an hour riding a cruiser or surrey and take in the scene. Check out the rides and attractions at Gillian’s Wonderland Pier. Hungry? Say no more! Hit up one of the three Manco & Manco Pizza locations scattered along the boardwalk. And for dessert? Check out the Bashful Banana for some amazing banana whips that taste like ice cream!

Seaside Heights

Seaside Heights's boardwalk is a staple of the Jersey Shore! Thanks to two different amusement piers, a water park, and an abundance of souvenir shops, arcades, and dining options, Seaside Heights is one of the busiest boardwalks on the Shore. They took a hit from Sandy, but have since been able to rebuild and make their beach town better than ever! They offer many year-round events, such as a Columbus Day parade, a Saint Patrick's Day parade, and their annual Polar Plunge.

3. Amusement parks:

Looking to do some roller coaster riding? Check this beach out!


Wildwood, in my opinion, has one of the best boardwalks. If you’re in the mood for some thrilling roller coaster rides, there’s no better place to be then Morey’s Piers. With three different amusement parks in a 12-block span, there are more than 100 rides to choose from! If you’re not feeling the roller coaster scene, stroll down the boardwalk and peruse the souvenir shops. You can also play some of the many “carnival” games that are scattered along the boardwalk. If you’re feeling really adventurous, take a ride in the sand on a monster truck for $10!

Despite the summer coming to a close, these beaches are a great place to be year round! I just wouldn’t recommend going in the water; brrr! If you’re bored and are looking for something to do with the family-- or with your friends-- definitely check out these beaches! You won’t regret it!

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