As a college student I have realized how important it is to get sleep every day. Without enough sleep, I would not be able to stay alert in class, complete work to the best of my ability or keep a positive mindset when going through with my day. To learn more about why sleep is necessary, please keep reading!
Why Sleep Is Beneficial
Better Health: Strengthens immune system
Better Mood: Sleep affects emotional regulation
Better Weight Control: Getting enough sleep could help you maintain your weight
Clearer thinking: Sleep loss affects how you think
Better memory: If you don't get enough sleep, those memories might get lost
Lack Of Sleep Short Term Effects
Decreased alertness: Difficulty focusing on tasks
Memory and cognitive impairment: All-nighters are counterproductive
Increased risk of injury: Sleep loss leads to higher chances of carelessness and accidents
Lack Of Sleep Long Term Effects
Increased risk of common illnesses: Lack of sleep leads to increased risks of many common diseases
Obesity: Obesity has been linked to lack of sleep
Aging: Getting the proper amount of sleep will keep you looking young
Tips To Help Fall Asleep
Leave the Phone Behind: If at all possible, cut off your computer, phone and TV use an hour before bedtime
Limit Caffeine Intake: Avoid drinking caffeinated drinks
Take a Hot Shower: Relaxes muscles and soothes senses
Clear Your Mind: Use simple mental exercises
I hope this article informed you on why it is so important to rest, and gave you good tips on how to relax, rewind and prepare yourself to sleep after a long day!