“Divergent,” “The Fault In Our Stars,” “The Distance Between Us” and “The Hunger Games” are all different in terms of subjects and genres. However, there’s one common thread that runs through all of those novels, which is that they are all an example of best-selling Young Adult novels, beloved by both teens, new adults and beyond.
Young Adult Literature is always a debate in the literary world, as many question whether or not Young Adult novels are actually real literature. Slate writer Ruth Graham slams the genre in her article “Against YA,” and going onto state “adults should feel embarrassed about reading literature that was meant for children.”
Well, I beg to differ.
While Young Adult novels are written more simply than the classics, I do think that they are literature. When I think of a great novel, I think of a book that grabs me and becomes my obsession until the very last page. Some of the books that do this for me are Young Adult Novels, such as “An Abundance of Katharines,” or “Amy and Roger’s Epic Detour.”
Young Adult novels often shed light to serious topics such as cancer, abuse, and mental illness to readers. Sarah Dessen, bestselling Young Adult author, is known for her fun teen romance novels. However, many of her novels, such as “Dreamland” or “Saint Anything” often deal with topics such as abusive relationships and having a sibling in jail.
Reading Young Adult fiction is entertaining, yes, but it’s not all about a summer teen romance. I think that’s the common misconception of Young Adult Literature, and the reason why many turn their noses up at these types of novels. But, these novels aren’t about light topics, now are they?
Even though reading a novel by John Green doesn’t contain the same literary nutrients as reading a novel by Jane Austen, it gets people reading. In a world that’s dominated by Netflix, social media and watching cat videos on the Internet, it’s refreshing to see people still picking up novels to relax or even to learn the story of someone else.
As I grow older, my reading palette will expand. However, I’ll still be reading the books that line the shelves of the Young Adult section as well, because they are books that I enjoy. And to those who are worried about being judged for reading YA, remember this:
Reading is reading. As long as you’re reading, I think that’s something worth applauding.