In my first week home for the summer I have been taking a little bit of time every day to do some summer cleaning if you will of my room since I am able to dedicate more time to doing so than I would over the course of a short break during the school year. While the process is still ongoing here are some reasons why organizing is beneficial.
1. De-cluttering- when starting to organize certain messes you were not previously aware of become known and you have the time to amend that issue.
2. You might find something you thought was lost. Whether a note, book, or any other prized possession sometimes the things you lose will suddenly show up, having been right under your nose (or bed) the whole time.
3. It helps mentally in clearing one's mind; especially if you have a lot of plans that will keep you busy over the summer its nice to know you have some space rather than building up on a mess.
4. When all is said and done you find yourself feeling far more content. Depending on how one defines "organized" in terms of how it may work for them, when its finished the feeling is incredibly satisfying since the task is not screaming as loudly in the back of your head to get it done.