It's not fun to fail. It's humiliating. It hurts. It's embarrassing. You prepared for something, you practiced, you put time and effort into it, and it didn't go your way. What do you do? It's hard to just pick yourself back up and continue as if nothing happened. Failing is hard, but it can be a good thing. When you fail, you see the error of your ways, and you can pick yourself up from the mess and push forward. Don't let what others say about your mistakes get in the way.
When you mess up something, it's hard to get back to where you were. It's discouraging. Trust me, I know. Everyone knows. You're not alone in this. Check out my previous blog "Where to Begin" for more on how to come back from being down for so long. It's okay to take some time to grieve and be upset over the mistake you've made and for failing, but it's not the end of the world. You will get past it and move on. Everything will be okay.
When you fail, you see the error of your ways. You see the mistakes you made. Maybe you did something you thought was right but ended up hurting people, even yourself. Perhaps you thought things were fine, but then out of the blue something happens and you fail; it was completely unexpected and you were not expecting it at all. Mistakes hurt and they're painful, but knowing that God will hold you in your pain is the best feeling. We may fall, but He will always catch us. God never said life would be easy, but He said He would be there for us when it got hard.
When you've gotten past the hurt of your mistakes, you can get up, dust yourself off and move forward with your life. Don't let what people have said to you or about you or what you've done stop you from all the beautiful things life has to offer. This world may be broken, but God didn't create us to suffer. God wants us to enjoy this life and all the many things He gave us. It's hard not to feel weighed down by things we've done and to not let thoughts consume your mind.
It's important to remember that failing can teach you really important things. You can learn so many lessons from your mistakes and know what to do and not do in the future to prevent the mistake from happening again. Sometimes the mistakes that hurt us the most are the ones that heal us the most.
I hope this has helped you realize that your mistakes are not the end of the world and that there is healing in the suffering and pain.