A few days ago, I got back from Camp PossAbility at Bradford Woods in Martinsville, Indiana. This is a camp for adults with physical disabilities. All of the campers here have a high school diploma or equivalency. One of the coolest things about this camp is that it is entirely volunteer led and non-profit. However, I'm not here to advertise. It's just amazing to be able to see what the great outdoors does for the whole person, mind, body, and soul, and its important that these benefits get shared with the world.
For me, the most noticeable benefits of being outdoors at a campground are the positive effects on mental health. As a person with Generalized Anxiety Disorder, I can say firsthand that being so close with nature helps me to stay calm and worry less. Camp also focusses on keeping a positive attitude, which is a huge decrease method in dealing with anxiety. Coming home, I now feel so much more in control of my anxious mind and still am able to calm down much easier.
In addition to mental health benefits, camping also benefits mental health. I noticed that the warm weather and sunshine really helps to relax my muscles. I had to move from place to place a lot so that created ample opportunity for arm and leg exercise. Swimming also helps in muscle relaxing too. Because water makes you lighter, it is easier to move your body around and in result you get a great workout even though it doesn't always feel that way. Most obviously, hiking (when you don't use an electric wheelchair) burns plenty of calories.
Lastly, camping is just plain good for the soul. It really boosts spirits to be so close to some of our planet's most breathtaking creations. Being outdoors has really helped me to see what truly is important in this world, and discover for myself how much there is to marvel in and be thankful for. Finally, by camping you usually get to spend time with great people and take more time to enjoy each other's company with no interruptions from the ever-present world of technology. So, don't wait, go out and explore our beatiful planet.