Many thought Donald Trump would easily win the Republican Presidential Nomination. The media even proclaimed the Republican Primary campaign is over, and Donald Trump won. He seems to have been the prohibitive favorite among Republican voters. The early Primary season showed it, and nobody thought any of the other candidates would emerge as a formidable challenge to him, and certainly not Ted Cruz.
Donald Trump scored big early on, winning the New Hampshire Primary, the South Carolina Primary, and the Nevada Caucus. He swept Super Tuesday, winning nine of twelve states on March 1. He went on to win in Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, North Carolina, Missouri, Florida, Illinois, Arizona and in other places. Donald Trump was the Republican front-runner with good leads in the polls and a delegate lead that seemed to be insurmountable.
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But, Ted Cruz slowly gained on Donald Trump, winning Oklahoma, Texas and Alaska in Super Tuesday. He followed with winning Maine and Kansas after Super Tuesday. He won the Idaho Primary and won all 40 delegates from Utah with 69 percent of the vote there. He won 18 of the 25 delegates from Wyoming last week so far and won six delegates from Colorado just before the Wisconsin Primary on April 5.
Then there was the Wisconsin primary with its 42 delegates where everybody thought Donald Trump would win. The media already wrote Wisconsin off as a Primary Donald Trump would easily win, but Ted Cruz raced past Donald Trump in the polls in Wisconsin and won the Primary on the night of April 5 with a double-digit margin. Ted Cruz won 36 of the 42 delegates in Wisconsin, closing the gap between him and Donald Trump.
Ted Cruz won six more delegates from Colorado just on Thursday. He just gained a total of close to 50 delegates on Donald Trump over the last two weeks. This is the beginning of the end of Donald Trump and his Presidential Campaign. He would not get the necessary 1,237 delegates to win the nomination by the convention. Either Ted Cruz will get the 1,237 delegates he needs before the convention, or there will be a contested convention that would once again play to Senator Cruz's advantage.