The Bee
Known for it's sting, It's knees and for being busy
But not buzzed about for its contribution of life
Spread of fertility and beauty
Or the positivity and light in the darkness of it's appearance
While its song may be unnerving it's duty is honorable
It defends as we do
Reacting when threatened
Inflicting less pain than humans do on a daily basis
The Queen Bee
A regal woman who deserves her title
Rebuilds entire colonies by herself
A feminine independence all woman want to gain
We take her name to show power, attitude and to be admired as she is
Hexagonal Honeycombs
In line with Venus
Love and Communication reflected in an insect's creation
Unlike us in our nation divided
They bond together in one common goal
They are a piece of the lovely things in life
In flowers, honey and nature
Though small they symbolize much that is great
Rather than recoil, Respect
The bee serves as a reminder to us to take the sweetness out of life and use it towards our future
As a reminder that while we must always be productive and moving forward we must also stop and smell the flowers
As a reminder that while not everyone may be fond of you, you are still a vital part of the world
That there is a higher purpose in life for you to serve, and things for you to achieve