Now when I say the bases are loaded, I'm not talking about baseball. I'm talking about the bases in life.
This may sound like more of a blog post when I go on about being a teenage college student, but I think it's something a lot of my friends can definitely relate to. There's also so much to do in such little time. It's not even just school, it's everything and it begins to grow into stress and dealing with time management. If you don't create a time schedule for things, you soon to begin to realize how stressful things really can be. Let's start off with the college classes, well you're in five or maybe more and you have to attend class regularly so you don't miss anything, not a big deal. Then it gets to the work load. The work load can be tough when you get several assignments from each class alone. Now no one said it was going to be easy to get your college degree, overall I would say it's not too bad, you have to put in work in order to succeed.
Then we get to the part about how college students always seem to be broke and most of the time the majority of us work because we have bills to pay. Managing work and school can be difficult between trying to put in the hours at work to make money, but also to put in the hours for your school work, studying for exams, making projects, and writing papers. Work isn't always be the best because it can definitely be a stressor at times for everyone. Work is just an aspect we must deal with in order to pay for the things we must do.
One other thing to think about is having time for yourself. Everyone needs time for themselves and take themselves out of both, the school environment and work environment. You need to have some time doing things you enjoy maybe your hobbies or hanging out with friends and family. You still have to figure out how to enjoy life while doing all of these crazy miraculous things. Sometimes we need a day to ourselves so we can remind ourselves to live a little, well it is what were suppose to do we're suppose to actually be living, but how much living are you actually doing? Ask yourself that and if you can't say you've done much then maybe you need time for yourself more and consider it, even if it's only one day a week.