Photo Gallery: The Band CAMINO Sold Out in Atlanta | The Odyssey Online
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Photo Gallery: The Band CAMINO Sold Out in Atlanta

The Band CAMINO performed to 1300+ people at the Variety Playhouse in October, after performing to only 400 a few months earlier.

Photo Gallery: The Band CAMINO Sold Out in Atlanta
All photos by Sophie Harris

Nashville-based alternative group The Band CAMINO released their 8-song record, tryhard, at the end of this summer. Ever since this release, featuring hit singles "Daphne Blue" and "See Through," they have been rapidly gaining a following. To put it into perspective, The Band CAMINO performed to 400 people in Atlanta in January, and then to 1300+ when they returned in October to the Variety Playhouse. Based on their performance, it's easy to see why they have found so much success.

The Band CAMINO carefully and intentionally planned out the whole set. Opening with "Break Me" took fans by surprise since it's the closing track of tryhard. Singers Jeffery Jordan and Spencer Stewart perfectly balanced each other out, taking turns singing each verse. "Break Me" is split evenly between the two of them, so it was brilliant to open with this track to show the audience their unusual skill of balancing two lead vocalists. Each song had a distinct atmosphere with strobe lights and smoke to match the mood of the music. Bright reds and yellows accompanied upbeat, happier songs while dimmer blue lights were paired with the slower, more serious songs. Many songs were somewhat of a blend of the two moods, so they were paired with cooler blue and purple tones that were just as bright as the reds and yellows of other upbeat songs. For instance, "Farsighted" has one of the happiest melodies, but it is about struggling to find your voice. "Living inside of your own head is so interesting because I'm looking out at all of you guys, you're all looking at me, but I can't see myself because I'm inside my own head," Jeffery said before playing the song. "So, this song is about the frustrations of trying to figure out who you are. Has anyone in this room ever been told, 'just be yourself?' I've been told that my whole life by all kinds of people, and I don't know how to do that - I like so many things. And I finally realized, if you just quit looking in and start looking out, it starts making way more sense."

Atlanta was not the final stop of the tour, but it was tour manager Brad Frey's final destination. Towards the end of the show, the band (and the rest of the crew) surprised him with a signed football. By this point in the show, each person in the band had given at least one heartfelt speech to the audience, so all 1300+ people in the Variety Playhouse felt close enough to thank Brad for the wonders he worked.

It's safe to say that all 1300 people at The Band CAMINO's show in Atlanta are anxiously waiting for them to come back - this time, for an even larger crowd. Don't forget to keep up with The Band CAMINO on streaming sites and social media!

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