The reality series "The Bachelor" and "The Bachelorette" have captured hearts across the globes with the whirlwind of romance it provides its viewers. Bachelor nation has been following the love lives of seemingly perfect young adults for over 20 years now, and it just keeps getting more dramatic. The latest season of "The Bachelor" starred Arie Luyendyk Jr. whose journey ended in mayhem. At first, he proposed to our beloved Bachelorette Becca K., but then quickly changed his mind to end up with runner-up Lauren B. This drastic change in Arie's mind was one that made bachelor history and lit up the tabloids. Everyone felt heartbroken for Becca and wanted to see her fall in love again. ABC of course chose Becca to be the next Bachelorette with her already roaring fan base, but with that great opportunity for her came with a lot of jabs to the heart. Here are three times Bachelor Nation failed the beautiful, smart, and funny Becca Kufrin.
Publicizing her break up with Arie
California Scoop
Going through a break up, especially after an engagement, is hard enough there was no need to put it all over television. Of course it received great ratings and the die hard bachelor fans wanted to see how it all unfolded, but it was an entire TWO HOUR airing. The cameras wouldn't leave Becca alone, and glorified Arie by giving him more air time than he clearly deserved. What he did to her was traumatic and horrifying and publicizing that for the world to see was just wrong. Becca is a obviously a strong and independent woman and embarrassing her in the way that episode did not give her the proper respect. Bachelor Nation gets extremely invested into who the star of the season chooses and feels that they have a right to see every detail of their relationship, even the bad parts, but the truth is they simply do not. The relationship is between those two people and should've been treated as such with Arie and Becca.
Allowing Arie to propose to Lauren on "After the Final Rose"
Lets Face It TV
Umm, what?! This episode was supposed to be all about celebrating the new journey the Bachelorette is about to embark on, not rubbing her ex's new fiancé in her face. This was so uncomfortable to watch for viewers let alone Becca herself. Sure, she was the bigger person and didn't have much to say about it but she deserved better Bachelor Nation plain and simple. Once again Becca was left embarrassed and Arie was left with more airtime. This scumbag PROPOSED to her then just thought it was okay to change his mind. NEWS FLASH! It wasn't okay then, it's not okay now, and it will NEVER be okay. so please, for the love of all that is holy, give Becca a break and let her live without the reminder of Arie for five seconds Bachelor Nation.
Continuously bringing up Arie in her season
Becca Kufrin
It is only two episodes into Becca's season and Arie has been brought up over seven times which is absolutely ridiculous Bachelor Nation. A whole dang date was centered around him and their break up, like come on people get it together. How is she ever supposed to move on when she has Arie Luyendyk Jr. staring down her throat. Replaying her break up at the beginning of the first episode was unnecessary, we all know what happened so just give it rest and STOP giving Arie airtime when it is not his time to shine. Becca can get rating all by herself, she's incredible in every single way, so how about you just give her a chance to fall in love with someone who isn't a lying dirtbag and leave her ex out of it? Becca, you are your own human and you know exactly what you want so we're all going to take a step back and let YOU do the damn thing!
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