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13 Workouts You Can Do Every Week While Watching 2-Hour 'Bachelor' Episodes

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13 Workouts You Can Do Every Week While Watching 2-Hour 'Bachelor' Episodes

It doesn't matter how dedicated or flaky of a "Bachelor" fan you are, there's something we can all agree on — those episodes are LONG. Two hours every Monday is a commitment Bachelor Nation knows too well.

This time is a great opportunity to pour a glass of wine and chill out, no doubt. But if you're looking to multitask during this seemingly eternal activity you partake in every Monday night, combine your "Bachelor" viewing with your workout.

1. Every time the Bachelor talks about how "this is so hard:" 15 crunches

2. Each time there's a toast: 10 push-ups 

3. Every 1-on-1 date: 1 minute wall sit 

4. Whenever someone spends her time with the Bachelor talking about another girl in the house: 45 second flutter kick 

5. Each time the Bachelor's career is referenced: 10 jumping jacks 

6. When someone starts crying: Run in place until they stop 

7. Every time someone says "Can I steal you for a sec?:" 10 squats 

8. Every time the girls change clothes: 1 minute of high knees 

9. Every time the Bachelor's ex is mentioned: 20 mountain climbers

10. When either the Bachelor or a contestant talks about their "journey:" 10 lunges 

11. Anytime the Bachelor kisses someone: 25 calf raises

12. For each rose handed out: 5 burpees 

13. When Chris Harrison says "This is the final rose tonight:" 30 second plank

Now I'm sore and reality TV stars are possibly in love. A winning Monday, wouldn't you agree?

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