From The Girl Who's Obsessed With 'The Bachelor,' And No, I Don't Care That It Might Be Secretly Scripted | The Odyssey Online
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From The Girl Who's Obsessed With 'The Bachelor,' And No, I Don't Care That It Might Be Secretly Scripted

It's just so good.

From The Girl Who's Obsessed With 'The Bachelor,' And No, I Don't Care That It Might Be Secretly Scripted

We all know that The Bachelor is a very popular show in America and with the Bachelor Winter Games airing just recently, we’re now realizing that this is a worldwide favorite. So many countries have their own spin off of the show. This makes me so happy knowing females (and males) across the globe can divulge into the joy of watching a group of women or men find love with one Bachelor or Bachelorette.

1. Who doesn’t love a little bit of love?

Arguably, its hard to determine if it’s possible to fall in love in such a short period of time. I mean there have been brilliant success stories from this franchise, and from all four versions of the show. But how can you not enjoy watching attractive men and women traveling the world, going on dates and giving their best shot at finding the love of their life? I mean come on… these people are going to the places like the Eiffel Tower, hopping from country to country and doing the most amazing things. Even if it isn’t about the love, it’s pretty cool to see where this show can take it’s contestants.

2. It’s filled with drama and while most people hate drama in their own life, it’s juicy to watch someone else’s drama on national TV.

This might be a little bit mean but it’s ridiculously true. The Bachelor is filled with an extensive amount of drama that doesn’t personally affect the millions of people watching. Which is truly why people love it so much. Nothing like sitting back with a bag of popcorn and a glass of wine while a few people cry and yell at each other, over the same person. And the "Tell-All" nights of each season are honestly the best. Can anyone agree? A moment where 20 women or 20 men lay it all out there, it is juicy. So juicy.

3. An excuse to drink wine.

The amount of wine consumed on The Bachelor is considerable. And of course any wine loving woman doesn’t need an excuse to drink wine, but it’s never a bad idea to have a reason to divulge in a glass or two on a Monday night. I'll raise a glass to that!

4. It makes Monday so much better.

Monday is the worst day ever, which I think is something we can all agree on. But Bachelor Mondays gives us something to look forward to. And what better than Bachelor Monday's? Bachelor Mondays, followed by Bachelor Tuesdays! Like a mini countdown to the end of the day, making the wine more enjoyable and the day a little more bearable.

5. It sometimes makes you feel better about yourself.

When you’re feeling down about your relationship status, your ability to find love, or just yourself in general. Watching this show can give you a good amount of people that might be in the same boat as you. It makes you feel less alone and sometimes can give you a great laugh and can also give you some hope. Look at people like Catherine and Sean. Enough said.

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