Early Tuesday morning, another major European city was shaken by terrorist attacks. Brussels, a popular city in Belgium, experienced explosions at their main airport and within their subway close to the European Union's core institutions, leaving about 30 people dead and more than 230 people injured.
Last Friday, Belgium was in the headlines as they arrested what they know to be the only living suspect from the Paris attacks last November. On Tuesday, they made international headlines again, but for a much more tragic event.
Authorities released video evidence of the suspects, three men seen at the airport. They also uncovered chemical products and an Islamic State flag along with the explosive devices. The city has been on lock down since the attacks and the major transit operations are not expected to resume until this Wednesday.
Support for Brussels has been seen worldwide, from Paris to Rome to New York. Major cities are increasingly tightening security after the recent attacks and displaying the Belgium colors on their national monuments. However, it is becoming nearly impossible to protect every high profile area, as these terrorist attacks have moved from major landmarks to smaller civilian areas.
For example, after the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center, major monuments such as the Statue of Liberty, Empire State Building, and the White House were code red zones. However, when Paris was attacked last November, the terrorists did not target major monuments like the Eiffel Tower. The bombings and mass shootings took place at cafes, restaurants, and a music venue. The trend continued in Brussels, targeting transit hubs like the airport and subway system instead of the larger monuments and iconic buildings.
It is alarming to think that no area is safe anymore. Going to the tallest building in a city has the same risk as going to a movie or out to eat. I myself traveled to Europe for spring break just last week and it definitely was a thought in my mind that anything could happen anywhere at anytime. No one wants to live their life in fear in this generation, however it's important that individuals stay alert and that authorities work quickly to catch those responsible for these despicable actions and make movements to prevent horrific events like this occurring again in the future.
Belgium, our prayers are with you.