Hey readers!
I am always one for personifying ideas and emotions, so I thought hard about an artist without its most cherish possession: color. However, color can be anything to anyone. So, I hope that whatever your "color" in life is, you never take that for granted. May all of the colors in your life bring you motivation and love each and every day. Don't ever lose your colors, and if life happens to take those away, may new hues surround you and strengthen you more than ever. Everyone deserves their colors. Positive vibes to you!
There was an artist that was known far and wide,
The pieces she created amounted to the highest quality
There was not a person on earth who didn't stare with bright eyes,
For her art only was what they wanted to see
It was the colors she used that got noticed the most,
For she went beyond the normal color scheme and mixed shades
In this, she created her own colors and beamed at each one she chose
It was indeed, her colors that made people gaze
One day, she decided to paint outside to catch the warm breeze as she worked
But a glimpse of darkening skies made her scurry inside
The rain poured down at an awful pace,
Her heart raced as she looked and saw: the very last of her paints
She'd carelessly left them, and now, they were being washed away
The tears formed quickly, and she shook her head
Memories of her colors enveloped her mind
The hues she mixed from yellow to red
She didn't realize until that moment that she'd taken for granted those colors all this time
It was the colors that attracted so many to her ability
But the most important thing she forgot: those colors reflected her truest self
They were blended with care when she never believed what she could be
It was never about fame, wealth, or anything else
Those colors made her believe again and smile and hope
They kept her going to create the art she always dreamt about
They casted warmth on her spirit and mind when she needed that most
Those colors filled her world with unprecedented fearlessness to go after her dreams
The colors were everything, but an artist with no color felt strange
She knew she had to find more paints to recreate what bursted at the seams
But this time around, her colors would be protected and appreciated even more than when everything changed
Once the storm passed, she knew what needed to be done
The colors she cherished so much would make a return
The colors of life are deserving for any and everyone
The Artist with No Color never forgot what she learned