Not to be dramatic butttttt, the Universe is in shambles. Now is a good to evaluate your vibes. There is a science to the vibe cleanse, and in this one-time, limited-edition, special offer, I'm going to TedTalk you into a better vibe.
Here are the definitive steps to achieve an effective vibe cleanse:
Determine the source of the bad vibes. Keep in mind that the concept of vibes is inherently multifactorial, so there could be several components to the vibe imbalance. Some common sources of bad vibes are
1. People
2. Places
3. Intangible objects → a test, an event, etc.
Take steps to eliminate the bad vibes. If it's a person, try to decrease contact and minimize the 'thought time' you dwell on them for. If it's a space, turn on a diffuser with your favorite essential oil and open a window for some fresh air, or adjust the space in accordance with your feng shui. If it's immaterial, visualize it or make it tangible by putting the bad vibes into words. This doesn't have to be a permanent change--just until you can incorporate the entity's energy into your life without disrupting your vibes. In my professional opinion, I recommend airing on the side of dramatic. I've said it before, and I'll say it again--the Vibe Gods favor the bold. We're not going for nuance here.
Cleanse your vibe palette. With the bad energy gone, take this time to appreciate the blank slate you have. You are in a stage of liminality--neither a part of your previous bad vibes, nor entered into vibe enlightenment. I find it best to embody this liminal stage through a ritual, if you will. For me, that is often completely reorganizing my room (if space is the bad vibes), working out (clearing my head space if the bad vibes are immaterial), or taking extra independent time (if the vibes are about the person).
Establish the vibes you want to bring into your life. This is best done through some sort of visualization. You can meditate, create a physical manifestation of your goals, write them down, or talk about them to a friend. This is also a good time to consider if it is possible to incorporate the sources of the old, bad vibes into your new vibes? Decide what's best for your energy.
Practice the law of attraction to solidify better vibes in the long-term. Put action toward your intentions by behaving in ways that promote the vibes you desire. A basic example: if you want a happy vibe, you must make a conscious effort to create positivity. If you want to have more chaotic vibes, embrace spontaneity and practice acting on your whims. When you achieve your ideal vibes, the universe will match your vibes and you will attract people and things that share your vibe.
Okay, enough granola for the day.
Your vibe therapist