I am 19 years old. I LOVE to have fun. I love college. I love to talk. I love candy. I love people.
But there is one thing you should know about me: I love God more than any of that. I can honestly say choosing to have a relationship with God, a REAL relationship, has been one of the best, most rewarding decisions I've ever made in my life.
I know our generation isn't into tradition. We're not into all of the man-made rules that come along with being a Christian, and we're not into being "religious." I'm here to tell you that all of that is fine. We aren't called to be religious. We are called to have relationship, and that makes all the difference. God wants this generation to surrender our lives to Him, and He wants us to give Him an absolute and complete YES.
Despite the disconnect our generation has when it comes to fully and truly chasing God, despite the disbelief that seems to be swirling around in our society and despite the ideas and concepts we as humans created about Jesus, there are a few things we must know if we really want to have a working relationship with the Lord.
We really have to consider the price He paid. Jesus gave His LIFE so that we could be forgiven of our sins. He died, so that we didn't have to die. We have to consider the sacrifice that God made. He surrendered His only son's life to save ours. Once you acknowledge and accept that concept, it makes it easier for you to live a life pleasing to God.
Secondly, we seriously need to understand that just going through the motions and going to church isn't enough. I've been there. I know how it is you all. You get caught up in your business and your life outside of God that you get into habit. Your relationship with God isn't growing, but you're so stuck in your habit you don't see it. Going to church does not mean you have a relationship with God. That does not mean you've told God yes.
We have to believe that Jesus intercedes for us. He stands for us, right between God and us. When we mess up, Jesus is fighting for us. He says, "God I know they messed up, but they repented. They have it together now." He gives us the benefit of the doubt. Jesus is our advocate! He believes in us and wants to see us succeed in living a life pleasing to His father. He is ALWAYS fighting with and for us. I know this for a fact. He's a mediator!
This gives me peace knowing that even when I make a mistake, Jesus doesn't lose faith in me. He still believes I can bounce back, and He fights with me to get back. So if your excuse for not living a life full of faith and Jesus is that you're afraid to mess up, now you know that's not a good enough reason not to at least try.
Along with doing more than just showing up to church, there's a concept we have to understand. God is the tree. We are His fruit. If we don't stay connected to Him, we won't grow. If you aren't actively pursuing the things of God and trying to live a life that pleases Him, you aren't growing. We have to stay connected to the source. God is the source.
I mean really you all. Despite everything else I said, it really does feel good to know that if you died right now, you'd be in heaven with the Lord. You'll have your heavenly rewards and the things of this world will be nonexistent. You won't feel pain, hurt, despair or anything of that nature. You won't want for anything, and you'll be free to worship the Father. If that's not reason enough to serve the Lord will all your heart, I don't know what else could persuade you. As always love God, love people. Love yourself, and give God a yes.