Everyone hates spoilers right? I bet you do and I'm pretty impartial to them myself, however, I wondered how everyone reacts differently to spoilers or maybe everyone reacts the same. We all have that one friend that demands You dramatically "tell me what happens!" and then you have that other friend whose like "don't tell me! I don't want to know ..I want to see it myself" either way, spoilers are usually not wanted. People get in an uproar if you do tell them something about a show or movie that they've been waiting to see, however, it's worse if that something is bad news.
I was having a conversation with my mother when I realized how I react to spoilers, if it's good news or if it's something exciting no big deal, however, if it's bad news it tends to affect me drastically to the point where I just won't watch it..none of it.... ever. Example, I'm sure you've heard of the show Orange is the New Black or maybe possibly you haven't, you could possibly Live on another planet? Anything's possible... but if you have heard of it, then you're probably aware of the biggest spoiler that was dropped before most people could even get halfway into this season. Unfortunately, I was one of the people affected by this, so five episodes in and that's as far as I've made it. I haven't watched one more episode since, and it's actually kind of sad because I do want to see the other episodes but I lost all desire to watch it. When I look back on some of the things that I've gotten negative spoilers , I noticed how it affected me, for example, the show Dexter; great show! But I've never made it past season one, my best friend told me about something sad that was going to happen in season two and so I haven't watched it since and that was three years ago!
However I'm sure not everyone reacts this way, some people will watch it anyway, some people will get over it faster than others, and some people who like myself won't watch it at all. My friend recently said she's not watching Finding Dory because another friend of mine ruined it for her by telling her the happy ending, oddly enough that a happy ending would make her not want to watch it because she didn't get to see it for herself. I'm realizing that spoilers can, you know..really spoil the experience? I've always tried not to give spoilers and sometimes it is hard especially if you are excited about something or if something was just so horrifically disappointing that you feel the need to share it with the world so I do understand why sometimes people drop spoilers. Even though it's best that if you're going to give a spoiler just try and drop the info on one person and not the entire world or the entire Facebook population. But I am still just a little curious if everyone reacts the same way to spoilers? I mean, are there some people who really like them who want to know what happens before they see it? And will still watch it afterward? Do those people exist? I mean Anything is Possible but that one? That one is hard to believe. Anyways just having a thought about spoilers and hopefully, this article doesn't spoil your day.