It was a beautiful bright and sunny day and it was a Tuesday (The club was going up...). The wind was just right, and the sun was smiling ear to ear. I had just arrived at the Farrison Newton building. I sat down and began to sip on my cold sweet ice tea, nothing could go wrong. A beautiful young lady sat down nearly 7 feet away from me. She had on a Yankees jersey, even though I despise that team I let it slide because of her beauty. I got up and in my meanest Denzel Washington impression I approached her and "spit game." We both talked, laughed, talked...and laughed again! So fellas we all know its not official till we get the digits right?! Well fellas I'm sure you know what went down...I GOT THAT NUMBER!
*In Reality*
It was a normal long day, it was hot as holy hell outside and I came inside Farrison Newton looking like I just ran 5.2 miles. Well I felt like I ran that much cause where I stay at and the walking distance should be illegal, but that is another story. Anyway, I was sitting in the lobby of Farrison Newton and noticed to my right that there was a girl beside me. Perfect Cocoa Brown skin, eyes look like they could melt silver and lips was just...I can't even explain. I had cotton mouth, I reached my water only to realize that I had none. I was frozen, she had me shook! I was literally having an inner battle with myself about going to speak to her. I knew a had an open window before 10:40 break happened. My mind is telling me no! but my body is telling me YESSS! (R. Kelly voice). Long story short, I didn't speak and she left with her friends. But why didn't I speak? It's so easy, I could speak to any female on campus, the moment I have a crush or an infatuation with one, it's like my lips have been removed. Is it because society paints the picture of the ideal gal? Am I afraid of rejection? Is it because of FATE?!?! All I know is one thing and one thing only...I didn't speak. In future notice, will I speak? Maybe, until then guess It will just be another moment in my college career. *Weeps*.....Not really.