Minimalism is defined as a style or technique (as in music, literature, or design) that is characterized by extreme spareness and simplicity. During the Fall of 2017, I was tasked with choosing a one month project that would benefit my life in some way, shape or form. Now let’s backtrack...
After looking into the art of minimalism for a few years, and observing how certain minimalist lived, I began wondering what this lifestyle could mean for me. That’s when I mapped out a plan on how to simplify my life. Basically, it reduced my wants to be equal to my needs. However, this posed a question with in me that I had to answer: What do I need to survive?
Simply answered, I need food, water, and shelter. That is really all I NEED. I don’t need clothing to survive. Although society would look down on my mission to partake in public nudity (ew), it is still not a necessity in life due to its presence as a construct. However, it does technically need to be owned in order to maintain public decency. This leads me to my next point, which is amount of clothes you own.
Clothing was where I started downsizing. It took a lot of effort and determination to get rid of things that I’d been hoarding for so long, but once I did, I felt like new woman! Seriously, I’m not kidding. I suddenly realized why people were pursuing a lifestyle that focuses on mental health and gratefulness. Surely this could do the same for me, right?
It continued to evolve into a beautiful domino effect for my life. I began de-cluttering my safe spaces which led me to having a clear mind free of external worry or anxious thoughts. I got rid of all the extra things that just weren’t necessary to be around me. When I did this, my mood improved and my productivity skyrocketed.
Almost two years later I found myself in my first semester of college and with a project to complete. That’s when I made the conscious decision to become even more minimal by getting rid of one item every day for a month. Upon the conclusion of that experiment, I found that this is certainly a lifestyle I want to pursue.
If you’re searching for a fresh start or new beginning, I suggest looking into the subtle art that is a minimalist life - you might just change yours!