For so long, I did not realize what I was passionate about, let alone what I wanted to do with my life.The earth- its’ environment and creatures are something I cared about more than history, especially math. I love to be outdoors, enjoying music and spending time with others.
I dream of finding my place in music relations and events, particularly related to environment communication. I hope to spread the word on the importance of preserving and appreciating what we come from, and rely on.
Something I would love is to coordinate or work for something like Electricology at Electric Forest. They aim to promote sustainability at the festival and connecting to the environment that exists there. Other festivals have similar communication efforts.
Concerts and festivals are my happy place. I love being surrounded by others who love the music in front of them as much as me. Music festivals is one place where I have always felt like who I am does not matter. What matters is the music and connections made with people.
Since I was young, nothing besides writing, has been an instinctual habit and passion of mine as much as music. Writing is something I have always done, and comes naturally to me, but it is my experiences that fill the pages. Music is something I have always connected to, growing up surrounded by it and taking piano lessons, dancing and singing alone in my room. I played multiple instruments growing up, including the piano for ten years and I dreamed of being a singer, but I was never too endowed in either of those categories.
In the past, I tended to dismiss the idea of working in the music industry because I thought I could never make it. Now, I am realizing the ways in which I can get involved in new and interesting things that pertain to my passions. I often fear I will not make the right connections, but whatever is meant to be will happen.
I love meeting new people and making connections. My eye is observant and notices things that others do not. My shyness has gotten in the way of me achieving my full potential any earlier. Now that I know what I want to do, I am not going to let anything stop me.
With one year left of school, I will graduate with a degree in public relations. I dream of pursuing a career in the music industry or for an environmental nonprofit. I am going to make it happen for myself, even if only in little steps. I dream of spreading love across the workplace and help boost positivity. I want to make something of myself, never having felt as though I fit in many places; never being able to get past my awkward nature and stumbling over words whenever I try to speak.
In the next year, I plan on volunteering at as many festivals as I can and improving my skills, figuring out the best tactic to take.
The beginning of my summer was spent traveling to Brazil for an environmental course. I experienced some of Brazil’s natural hidden treasures, while also learning of the political, social and environmental issues. The trip blew me away and helped me realize I want to help save the environment, through communication.
I also interned for an event planning and design company which primarily does weddings, attended festivals and enjoyed the natural environment of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, where I am lucky to live. I am more than happy to live in a place where there is more trees than people.
My confidence has grown and I no longer fear approaching people. I learned that my voice matters and I have valuable skills that set me apart from others. I can achieve anything I set my mind to. Nothing will stop me or slow me down, now that I discovered what I want to go after in life. As long as I am surrounded by loved ones, good music and an outlet to express my creativity, I will be happy.