When I was younger, my mother used to comment on how easy it was for me to know things. She used to tell me that for all her assignments she had to go to the library, look through the catalogues and then read pages on pages of general information from an Encyclopedia just to find out about the subject that she was researching. It doesn't sound too hard until you consider this was the only way of actually obtaining information. You had to go through every book and read a lot of information you didn't need just to learn about "vermin" and how to get rid of them. They didn't have Google. They couldn't just type in a few words and have thousands of answers laid out in front of them in a split second. But we do... so why aren't we using it?
Our generation will forever be defined by the era we were born into. Millennials have been and will be at the forefront of every technological innovation. We are lucky to live in a world where we have managed to put mounds of information right at our fingertips. We have consistent access to databases, encyclopedias, journals, blogs, images, news, videos... really just about anything you can learn from, read or even view. YouTube recently put POV (point of view) videos where you can virtually move the camera angle to see a 3D visual of the space represented in the video. I watched funny home videos while I sat next to Snoop Dogg in an empty movie theater... the power of technology, ladies and gentlemen. Yet with this massive amount of information we have to access we still manage to educate ourselves very little.
We spend most of our time having social interactions with monitors than we do with real people. You would expect, with all this time we spend on the Internet, that we would be more informed about important subjects such as major world events, the current political situation or climate change. The reality is, however, that most of us know only half of what's going on. YouTube also has channels where you can watch live news. It is our responsibility to educate ourselves when we are allowed the opportunity. The answers to our questions have most likely already been answered. All it takes is a minute of your time. Don't go about life waiting for divine inspiration. We have the power to know things, don't waste it. There are millions of people on this planet that would give anything to be as lucky as you to be sitting here reading this article off your device. Remember, whenever you have a question, that you can find an answer.