An ambivert can be described as someone who isn't necessarily an extrovert (someone who is seen as the life of the party and is chatting up people they've never talked to before) or an introvert (someone who could be described as the complete opposite of all of that), but they're somewhere in between.
I'd consider myself an ambivert, but those closest to me would probably consider me to be an extrovert. I genuinely love people, but I think I'm really shy and awkward. I just think there's an indescribable complexity to humans and how they're able to think, feel, and act all different ways, sometimes at the same time!
I grew up as an only child with my mom as my best friend, and that was my favorite, because it was like us against the world. It felt like I was able to have her all to myself, and I was able to spend all my time with her, from doing dress up stuff, to going to the park, to watching a movie with her. As time went on though, I "realized" she and I were in totally different age groups. She had to work and I had to keep going to grade school.
I was lucky enough to have made friends, but from the get go I always wished for a sister (I ended up getting two stepsisters which is cool). I really wanted someone who I could spend most of my time with, tell my deepest, darkest secrets to, and have braid my hair and give me advice on boys.
I think this really led me to wanting a sense of closeness with people. I almost crave human interaction, especially those in the vicinity of my age group, because I like the comfort of being able to relate to others. However, I've found myself not really enjoying conflict, an avid listener of others ideas in a conversation, and someone who is able to be observant of different situations.
Sometimes, it's weird thinking we all have to have a certain category we need to place ourselves in, like saying there are two kinds of people in this world. For me, feeling unsure of my place in the world and looking to people for guidance and direction is something I do often, especially since I'm in college and I'm trying to decide how to live my life after I graduate.
But, ambiverts unite! This goes out to the people who love to have many friends but would also rather stay in and binge that new Netflix show instead of constantly putting yourself out there at parties to meet new people, and to the people who love being the life of the party around their loved ones, but who also enjoy the comfort of themselves. I appreciate you :).