Every year, in the month of October, the All American Quarter Horse Congress is held in Columbus, Ohio. For those of you who don't know what this is, the Congress is the biggest American Quarter Horse Association (AQHA) show in the nation. That being said, it's a pretty big deal! People from all over the country, and all over the world for that matter, come to the Congress for not only the showing aspect but the massive trade show that goes along with it.
This past weekend, I went back home to Dublin. I just happen to live about 25 minutes from the Congress. I spent half the day walking around, looking at all of the different things that were at the different stores. We looked at everything from the fancy show jackets, to hunt saddles, to western hats, to western saddles. Regardless of whether or not I bought anything, I spend loads of time looking through everything that every store had to offer. I bought a few things, but not nearly as much as I have in the past. There's a section which is mostly home decor and OH MY GOD it's so beautiful. The couches, the chandeliers, the lamps. I cannot WAIT until I can furnish my home this way when I'm older and own my very own house!
The best part about going to the Congress is, you guess it! TRAILER SHOPPING!!!! Every year, I refuse to leave the Congress until I go through at least ONE trailer. These things are top-of-the-line VERY NICE live-in trailers. Two years ago, I took my boyfriend to the Congress for the first time and when I showed him the trailers, he wanted to go in every single one. We even picked out some that we hope to live in and own for ourselves later on in life. I've been going to the Congress ever since I was a little kid and I've loved going every year ever since.
The All American Quarter Horse Congress has been around 50 years now. This year was the 50th Anniversary and the amount of people that were there was absolutely amazing. The showing was great (even though I really only watched it online from school), the vendors were fantastic (per usual), and the fair food was still absolutely AMAZING. Nothing is better than getting a funnel cake, a corn dog, chicken tenders, and fries at the All American Quarter Horse Congress. If you haven't had the chance to go, I highly recommend that you get yourself down to Columbus, Ohio to check it out!