I've been getting headaches recently, and everything has seemed to be off. I knew these signs and symptoms were not a result of a full moon. There aren't werewolves or vampires in the woods. The aliens are coming. They are coming in hot. I do not think that we are ready.
Watch out for cars that look suspicious, with men wearing "masks". Those cars most likely contain aliens. Look out for UFOs high in the sky. But, do not be afraid! They are coming to give us peace and love. Extraterrestrial life wants to be in contact with us humans. Let them!
There is proof. A few weeks back, I had heard that astronomers realized that there were excessive radio bursts from deep space. This can only mean one thing. Aliens.
My friend Brandon came into my room the other day and told me that he saw a very odd-looking creature walking through the streets that recently had departed from a rocket ship-looking vehicle. This critter was extremely slimy and was wearing a hooded cape. They are coming. They are coming. They are coming.
My roommate Ashley believes in this as well. Her uncle was once abducted by aliens and was probed by one of their UFOs. He was sent back to Earth, but now can sense every time there is not just many, but even if one alien is around. This is proof, it is purely amazing!
You can call me crazy if you want, but I know this is true. What Brandon saw was not a "coincidence". It was not "good luck". What Brandon saw is our future.
Aliens are nothing to be afraid of. Just be aware. You may have some symptoms or weird encounters with someone. When they land, you can call me.