It's crazy how you don't think about things until someone tells you something you've never thought of before. In a late night car conversation with my mom, she brought up how crazy it is that the new age is so accepting. That when two people of the same gender are together, we don't say much; we nod our heads and keep moving, so to speak. When just a little over a decade ago, you wouldn't be caught in public with anyone who was not heterosexual. Before our time, it was frowned upon. You could be casted out of societies or disowned. Hell, 300 years ago women who liked the same sex could be hung for the belief that they were witches. So when my mom said the age of acceptance, it just clicked.
So I answered.
Maybe it isn't right, but who am I to judge? If I'm not accepting, who would I have as friends? If two of my friends of different sexes starting dating, no one would care. Nowadays it's normal to see people of the same sex together. I would love my friends just the same. God says to love thy neighbor, right? He also says not to judge, correct? So who am I to judge someone for their choices? Who am I to not show love to everyone? I am a sinner just like everyone else. Who am I to say my sins weigh less than someone else's because of who they decided to love?
So maybe we are the Age of Acceptance. Maybe I do accept people of all kinds. I am not saying I agree with their way of life, but I will accept them as they are. I will love them for what's in their heart. And I will not judge them based on my own beliefs.