Summer. A word that means different things to different people. For me, it used to mean being by the pool every day, going to new places and hanging out with my friends. But, this summer, I am facing something new. It's called, "the adult summer."
All in all, this adult summer has consisted of me taking summer classes and working my butt off every day. Also, add in the fact that by the end of it, I will have moved three times this summer, and have had limited access to all my belongings for about two months now. So yeah, not so much "fun" this summer.
Don't get me wrong, I have had some fun this summer. I've been to a new city, went tubing (which was on my summer bucket list) and still have over a month left before school starts again. So, the possibilities are still endless.
But, this summer has definitely taught me a lot so far. I have come to appreciate my free time more. I can now make myself relax instead of feeling like I constantly have to go, go, go. (Even though these urges are still very real.) I appreciate my money way more now because I have earned every cent of it. I am mastering the art of writing a check and am not afraid to complain to my landlord(s) anymore. I realized that to survive I need a decent kitchen because my "college" diet choices are slowly disappearing. I love cooking a good home-cooked meal and not something frozen or from a can. I am slowly learning to just deal with things and not complain because at least you have a roof over your head, Selbe. (Emphasize slowly.)
So, to be honest, this summer for me has definitely been "the endless summer" in both good and bad ways. It hasn't been easy to adjust to but I wouldn't change it for a thing.